Spotlight: The Multi-Faith Centre Research Team

By Joey Youssef (Team Lead) & the Multi-Faith Centre Research Team

Photo of Joey

In this blog post series, we introduce you to each of the Innovation Hub’s research teams this year, as well as provide some project details. To learn more about the research questions, see here. Below, you will find a brief statement from the Multi-Faith Centre’s research team, regarding why they decided to join the I-Hub and this particular project.

Transforming the Instructional Landscape with ACE: What instructors and students have told us so far

By Nick Feinig, Senior Research Assistant (for the ACE-Transforming the Instructional Landscape project)

Photo of Nick

What do instructors and students have to say about instructional space at UofT? Quite a lot, it seems! Beginning in the fall of 2017, the Innovation Hub undertook an initial ethnographic study combining long form empathy interviews, participant observation in classrooms around campus, and data lifted from a social media campaign as part of ACE’s Transforming the Instructional Landscape (TIL) project. Instructor feedback was also solicited through a dedicated portion of the TIL website.  Analysing this data, our research team determined that both students and instructors recognize the importance of thoughtfully managed space to the learning process, while the former in particular have powerful memories associated with certain campus spaces.

Upcoming Event: Transforming the Instructional Landscape – What makes a classroom great?

By Suzie Kim, Communications Team

Photo of Suzie

Shape your future classroom! As part of Academic and Campus Event’s Transforming the Instructional Landscape project, the Innovation Hub is bringing the design process into the U of T community.  Join us in the Bahen Atrium and Med-Sci Lobby so we can ask you: what makes a classroom great? 

Innovation Hub Training: “An eye-opening experience”

Photo of MiaBy Mia Sanders, Training Facilitator

Hello! My name is Mia Sanders and I’m a training facilitator for the Innovation Hub this year, along with my co-facilitator, Margaryta Ignatenko. Both Margaryta and I have been with the Hub for almost two years, during which we’ve had the privilege of engaging with hundreds of students and staff who are invested in improving the student experience at UofT. From our vantage point, what sets the Innovation Hub apart is the array of methodologies that team members are exposed to throughout their time here, including Design Thinking, Ethnography, Integrative Thinking, and Anti-Oppressive Practices.

Designing Classrooms “with” and not “for” the University Community

By Julia Smeed, Innovation Projects Officer

Photo of Julia

A world-class institution deserves world-class spaces for learning and instruction. That’s why we think that Academic and Campus Events (ACE) landmark renovation project – Transforming the Instructional Landscape (TIL) – will be such an exciting and impactful project at U of T. The instructional space on campus plays an essential role in fulfilling the university’s mandate to provide an unparalleled learning experience and impacts every student here. As the steward of these important facilities, ACE is committed to developing accessible, innovative, and purpose-built classrooms that address the needs of instructors and students. We can’t help but be inspired by their ambitious new vision for U of T.

Recruitment: Family Care Research Project

By Shirin Gerami, Design Research Team Lead (Family Care Office)

Photo of Shirin

Are you a student with family responsibilities?

In partnership with the University of Toronto’s Family Care Office, the Innovation Hub would love to hear about your experience as a U of T student and parent or caregiver. We are interested in the opportunities, challenges, and needs that parents and caregivers have as they navigate their multiple roles and responsibilities while studying.

Recruitment: Share Your UofT Housing Experiences

Picture of DanielleBy Danielle Lum, Project Assistant

Have you ever considered applying to on-campus residence at U of T? Have you ever gone through with the process?

In partnership with Housing Services, the Innovation Hub will be facilitating a research event with the goal of understanding students’ perceptions, needs, and experiences of applying to residence at U of T. Whether you have lived in residence or not, we want to hear your stories!

How to Better Support UofT Students: The Future of SLP Event!

By Suzie Kim, Communications Team

Photo of Suzie

On October 11th, 2018, the Innovation Hub partnered with the SLP network to host a research event entitled SLP Presents: The Future of SLP SLP is a network of staff who  work directly with students across at the University of Toronto’s three campuses.  The partnership between SLP and the Innovation Hub commenced last year to explore two questions: What should the future of the SLP Network look like? and how should this community of practice be redesigned to better serve the needs and wants of all its members?  After conducting a number of empathy interviews with staff in a variety of positions and career stages, insights were generated.  These insights reveled that supporting staff to develop institutional knowledge, mentorship and networking, senior management involvement and career development support are areas where there are opportunities for SLP to provide support.  This event sought to gather additional data to inform next steps of the process.

Trademark Licensing Research Project: A Call for Participants!

By Rachel Davis, Design Research Team Lead (Trademark Licensing) 

Photo of Rachel

Do you feel a sense of pride as a student here at the University of Toronto? Why or why not? What do you value as student here? What has been most challenging? Student researchers at the Innovation Hub are working with University of Toronto Trademark Licensing Office to connect with you about your thoughts, feelings, and experiences at UofT.

Looking Back: Innovation Hub Volunteer Training Weekend

By Paul Giurgeu and Chanz Valmonte, Communications Team

Photo of PaulPhoto of Chanz
Chanz’s Perspective

Entering into my first year of university, I knew I wanted to make the most of my experience. I was determined to figure out a way to balance my studies with extracurricular activities (as well as sleep, and social life, and sanity). At least, I would try my best! That’s when I found out about the Innovation Hub, a student-led initiative launched to improve student experience through research. The I-Hub would allow me to get involved on campus, cater to my personal interests, and positively impact a diverse group of people—no matter the size! For these reasons, I jumped right in! I completed the application (there’s CCR-credit, so win-win!). Now I’m here, writing a piece about my experience at September’s weekend-long training.