Personas: Storytelling the Complexity of Human Experiences 

Headshot of Manuela

Human-centered research often prioritizes results. In this blog, Manuela reflects on the impact of personas, reminding researchers and academics that it is necessary to highlight the humanity of their sources when presenting their results.  

Written by Manuela Mora Castillo, Blog Editor & Content Writer, Honours Bachelor of Arts, Political Science and History Double Major, Latin American Studies Minor

Empowering Students Through Accessible Design: Celebrating International Day for Persons with Disabilities

Headshot of Manavi Goyal

December 3rd is the International Day for Persons with Disabilities. In this blog post, Manavi discusses Accessibility by Design as a tool to reduce barriers for students with disabilities at the University of Toronto. 

Written by Manavi Goyal, Blog Editor & Content Writer, Honours Bachelor of Science, Psychology Specialist, Economics Major, and Sociology Minor