Sunset in parking lot.

Stressed? This Post is for You

If you’re feeling extremely stressed about the five papers and five exams you have in the upcoming weeks, then this blog post is for you. Here is a short rundown of how I deal with my November/December stress.  The best way to reduce stress is through socialization and exercise. This might seem obvious to most people, but I’m sure almost all U of T students are guilty of skipping out on these things in order to prioritize school work. I tell myself that I don’t have time for fun things in November and December, but I’ve finally realized that the amount of stress that I build up hinders me from performing and writing at my best.  I also struggle with trying to plan my whole week almost hour by hour. I am not a spontaneous person to begin with, but when I’m stressed my brain tells me I can’t afford even a second of break. I stop being able to plan my time accordingly, because every minute that I’m not working, I’m thinking about how much work I need to do. I don’t make time to destress, so in the end I usually experience burnout.  Because of my constant stress I forget one very important thing: balance. I can promise you that there is certainly at least one hour in your week that you can spare on not doing work. And, you will work more efficiently if you do this. Here are three things I've learned to do that immediately reduce my stress (and they can all take less than one hour out of your week). 1. Make plans to see friends at least once a week. 
Friends hanging out.
Cred: Sophia Bai.
  -grabbing a meal with someone or just talking, the company of a friend will take my mind off stress!      2. Exercise.  Dancing at Hart House.Dancing at Hart House.   -getting my blood pumping and having some fun, I don’t  think about school, and I feel happy afterward.       3. Look forward to the Holidays.
sunset in a parking lot.
my hometown.
  -I like to remind myself that there is life outside of school, and that in a few weeks I will be curled up on the couch with a hot chocolate, and I won’t be stressed.      Remember: nobody works efficiently for hours on end. It can be difficult to see where to fit in time for these activities without going into full on panic mode, but I promise you, there is at least one free hour in your week that will be better spent on exercise or with friends.

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