Team Reflections: Co-Creating the Future of Sport & Rec 

Sport & Rec team standing outside and smiling

Through co-creation sessions, interviews, and a journal activity, the Innovation Hub team working with Sport & Rec strived to understand what makes or breaks a student’s experience when they engage in movement. The Design Research team reflects on valuable lessons they learned and how they honed their ability to collaborate as a team.  

Written by the Innovation Hub Sport & Rec Team

Community Animation Team Reflection: Cultivating a Learning Organization 

Community Animation team sitting on bench and smiling

The Community Animation Design Researcher team reflects on their year designing social programming, professional skill-building events, and student feedback sessions together. 

Written by Cheryl Nong, Research Coordinator, Honours Bachelor of Science, Psychology and Neuroscience Double Major 

Nothing For Us, Without Us Film Reflection: The Importance of Equity-Driven Advocacy  

Lois smiling outdoors.

As part of an ongoing dialogue about anti-Black racism in Canada, the School of Cities at U of T premiered a documentary about how Canadian city planning harms Black communities. Lois, Cheryl and Paul attended the film screening and reflected on the importance of shared responsibility in advocacy and equitable consultation—things that are important to the work at the Innovation Hub.  

Written by Lois Lee, Blog Editor & Digital Content Writer, Master of Information, User Experience Design and Archives & Records Management  

Team Reflections: Perspective Shifts and Community Impact Through Partnerships with Arts & Science University of Toronto Quality Assurance Process 

Team coordinators smiling and sitting together

The Innovation Hub continued its partnership with the Arts & Science University of Toronto Quality Assurance Process (UTQAP) this year by conducting design research-based student consultations for academic programs. The Arts & Science UTQAP Design Research Team reflects on the research journey recognizing the importance of finding meaning and achieving personal growth, through understanding student academic community and stories.

Written by the Innovation Hub A&S University of Toronto Quality Assurance Process Design Research Team

Team Reflections: The Multiple Facets of Communications 

Communications team sitting together indoors

The Innovation Hub Digital Communications Team reflected on their work in the past year and how working at the iHub fostered their personal growth. They highlight the use of collaboration and storytelling within the team, recognizing that even though there are different roles, working together and sharing stories can help to inspire change.

Written by the Innovation Hub Digital Communications Team

Honouring Individuality: How Accessibility is Constantly Evolving

Lois smiling outdoors.

Accessibility is fundamentally about accommodating and celebrating individual experiences; therefore, it is important for us to actively think about how we can reimagine accessible practices in new and creative ways. Lois spoke with 3 disability advocates in the U of T community to discuss how we can begin to take a more proactive and innovative approach towards accessibility. 

Written by Lois Lee, Blog Editor & Digital Content Writer, Master of Information, User Experience Design and Archives & Records Management  

Prototyping as a Mindset

Cheryl smiling while sitting outdoors.

When submitting work for feedback, it can feel like “conventional” expectations always demand complete, polished submissions. Cheryl reflects on how taking a more iterative approach helped her build confidence, closer relationships, and stronger finished work. 

Written by Cheryl Nong, Research Coordinator, Honours Bachelor of Science, Psychology and Neuroscience Double Major 

How Rekindling Creativity in My Life Led to Empowerment

Lois smiling outdoors.

In this blog post, Lois shares how she accidentally rekindled her passion for creative endeavours during her work at the Innovation Hub and how this empowered her to dive into creative pursuits outside the university. 

Written by Lois Lee, Blog Editor and Digital Content Writer, Master of Information, User Experience Design, and Archives & Records Management