In Community: the Importance of Reflection & Meaningful Work

By Betelehem Gulilat – Lead Editor & Writer

Betelehem outside smiling at the camera

ZOOMlockdown and asynchronous. These are some of many words that come to mind for this academic year. It’s also been a year of many firsts. Many more students have been attending classes remotely, campuses have transformed, and the Class of 2020 has celebrated their graduation virtually in their homes within their bubbles.

The uncertainty unearthed many concerns for the future both near and far. Whether its deciding where to study or spend time with friends, or travelling amongst a sea of students, losses have been felt all around. For others, the pandemic might have also felt like an unexpected gift to reflect on what’s important. Perhaps it’s been a mix of everything, too! We have seen these realities in our work, both through research projects and in our own teams. Reflection on what we have accomplished this last year not only helped us learn from our experiences, but it also reaffirmed why holding space for meaningful work is so important.

In this weeks post we’re excited to share what our team members have reflected on in the last 6 months. In a series of collaborative and reflective exercises over MURAL, we asked our teams:

  • What have you or your team been most proud of?
  • What things have you or your team wanted to improve on throughout the term?
  • What does success look like to you moving forward?

Light bulb wiht rays of lights with one ray a twirled arrowWe hope you enjoy hearing from our students, and we look forward bringing more meaningful opportunities to our communities this year! Click or select one of the numbered questions below, and the question will expand for you to read!

1. What have you or your team been most proud of?

‘Being able to change direction on projects and to ask for help when needed’ 

What things have you or your team wanted to improve on throughout the term?

‘Time management and making sure to take time for ourselves’  

What does success look like to our team members moving forward?

‘Celebrating all my wins! Even if its a 30 second dance party’  

Through reflection over the last 6 months, we’ve continued to check-in and learn from one another. This was so important to keep in mind as we continue to navigate our work virtually!

Two speech bubbles overlapped with a heart in the centre.

We want to thank all of our students and community partners throughout the last year who have continued to make our work so impactful. We’re looking forward to continuing to offer fantastic work opportunities and partnerships to the UofT community, along with sharing project insights and updates in the coming weeks! 

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