Our work is quickly progressing this term and we’re excited to share a call for participation with our UofT student community!

Robarts Library and the Innovation Hub want to hear from you to gain a deeper understanding of how students interact with libraries. The Innovation Hub will run student-led discussion-based feedback sessions, with the goal of improving student spaces within the university. Students from all programs and degree levels are encouraged to participate. You are invited to contribute thoughts online and/or opt-in for one of our virtual dialogue-based sessions. Those participating in the virtual sessions will receive a $10 gift card as a thank you.
The Innovation Hub will run two virtual student-led dialogue-based feedback sessions on ZOOM on Monday, October 19th from 7-8pm EST and Tuesday, October 20th from 4-5pm EST. If you are unavailable to participate in the virtual feedback session and would like to share a few thoughts about your experiences with library spaces at U of T, we would be grateful to read them and incorporate them into our project summary. The last day to contribute and express interest in participating for the virtual sessions is Tuesday, October 13th.
To learn more about the sessions and to contribute, please visit uoft.me/libraryfeedback or click the link below. We hope that you can contribute to this important project as we all engage with our learning, spaces, and different areas of our communities!
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