Innovation Hub Annual Report 2022-23

Innovation Hub Annual Report 2022-2023

Check out the Innovation Hub Annual Report 2022-23. Learn about what we have been up to and discover how to get involved in the work. 

Written by Julia Allworth, Manager, Innovation Projects

Julia smiling against a white background.
Innovation Hub Annual Report Cover

It’s been 7 years since the Innovation Hub first launched in 2016, and we never would have imagined that in this time, the work would have grown so much. I’m so grateful to the hundreds of students who have shaped this work over the past year by participating as team members. This past year we were so grateful to our many partners, detailed in this report, for providing our students with meaningful projects. The best part of our work is taking a human-centered approach to understanding how the university works, and we hope this report offers a little glimpse into what we’ve been up to this past year. 

Our Impact Since 2016 

Since our inception in 2016, we’ve had the pleasure to connect with people in all areas of U of T to learn more about campus experiences through our design research projects. To date we have: 

book with magifying glass

Completed 40 design research projects 

3 people surrounded by a circle

Listened to 1500 students’ stories & experiences

3 people surrounded by a heart

Listened to 90 staff & faculty stories & experiences

Our Student Team 

Innovation Hub 2022-23 Team Collage

The students at the Innovation Hub are diverse and come from all programs and degree levels. Students are placed on project teams that provide real-world experiential learning to build skills in four areas: personal development, interpersonal relations, workplace skills and technical skills in design thinking. 

This year we had: 

4 people linked together

96 Students Employed

4 people in speech bubbles

84 Work Study Opportunities

three people under a speech bubble

12 Leadership Roles

three people inside a heart with confetti surrounding

23 Project Teams

Innovation Hub Projects 2022-23 

This year we saw demand for our design thinking research grow as our teams had the opportunity to work on a wide range of meaningful projects detailed below. 

Magnifying glass and scale

Academic Integrity Video Series

We worked with Academic Integrity to create the It’s OK to ask For Help student-friendly video campaign to encourage students to reach out and seek help to learn with integrity.

Bowl and Two speech bubbles

Food Services at Chestnut Residence

We partnered with Food Services at Chestnut Residence to hear from students about their eating experiences and build reciprocity between staff and students.

house with heart inside

Health & Wellness

We explored student perspectives on the topic of mental health to inform future program and service design. 

Couch with computer and globe on table

Robarts Library 5th Floor

We explored how students and staff use and experience library spaces for digital scholarship, generating insights to inform the design process of the new library space.

sport & rec project icon

Sport & Rec

We conducted design research to understand the perspectives of students who are not currently engaged in movement, particularly equity-deserving populations.

Transforming the Instructional Landscape

Transforming the Instructional Landscape

We continued our partnership with Transforming the Instructional Landscape (TIL), an initiative that seeks to draw on teaching and learning to inform teaching and learning best practices as they intersect with classroom space and technology.

University College Building with Heart on the right

University College

We conducted design research, exploring the needs of the UC community when it comes to space and identity at the college.

Paper leading to person to gear lightbul

University of Toronto Quality Assurance Process

We continued our partnership with the Faculty of Arts & Science to support units as they prepare for their self-studies as part of the University of Toronto Quality Assurance Process (UTQAP).

Get Involved in Our Work 

If you have a project that might benefit from a student design thinking team at the Innovation Hub, we’d love to talk to you! If you have any questions about the Innovation Hub or how to get involved, contact for more information.

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