The Innovation Hub has been talking to students about their experiences at the University. We’ve also met with a number of faculty and staff to discuss their perceptions and insights about student experiences. We need your insights. Innovation Hub teams have crafted project ideas to help the University meet student needs. We would like to invite staff, students, and faculty to our upcoming Innovation Hours to learn about some of our ideas and provide insight and feedback. We hope to see you there!
Ideating with the Innovation Hub: Share Back Days
by Riley McCullough, Events and Admin Team Member
As a recent graduate from the University of Toronto, I know first hand how intimidating and confusing the school can be. While experiencing services and opportunities that are offered was one of the highlights of my time at school, navigating the student experience at the University of Toronto can easily be overwhelming.
That’s where the Innovation Hub comes in.
November Innovation Hours—Gathering Insights
By Ling Lam, Student Co-Leader, Future-Ready Students Domain
On November 10th and 15th, students and staff from across the U of T community gathered for the November Innovation Hours at the Centre for International Experience. Team members from each of the five domains—access for every student, fostering connectedness, future-ready students, integrated learning experience and whole student development—were present and ready to engage!
November Innovation Hours – Calling all Students!
October Innovation Hours
Mark Your Calendars – October & November Innovation Hours
Innovation Hour – July and August
The Innovation Hour is an informal morning coffee hour for staff, faculty & students who are interested in learning more about the Innovation Hub and sharing innovative ideas that will enhance the student experience at the University of Toronto. It’s a chance to chat with colleagues about where innovation is already happening, to learn more about the Innovation Hub and to brainstorm opportunities for innovation. Hub updates will be provided during these meetings.