I never took the whole “messy room means a messy mind” thing seriously when I was growing up, no matter how many times my parents told me to clean my space. But I'm starting to have second thoughts. My room…
"While everyone is sacrificing sleep to get ahead of the game, sleep to actually get ahead of the game" - Having three classes back-to-back is not fun (especially around lunch time). Even if the buildings are next to each other..
Back when I was in high school, my father would always tell me that I needed better time management skills. I'd like to say that now I'm a master of scheduling, a non-procrastinator who gets things done immediately with magical…
“I’m doing my self-care!” I yelled at my friends as I ate a third cupcake. “I need this!” I told myself as I watched yet another episode of The Office. Self-care has become something of a hot topic in our…
Juggling school and extra-curricular activity is very hard at times especially when you leave things to the last minute. It becomes stressful to finish everything before deadlines but even after the stress is over we can't help ourselves but to…
Have you ever found yourself in the situation where you accidentally binge watched 12 episodes of The Office when you should've been studying for a midterm? I have, and it wasn't too long ago... in fact, it happened just last…
Reading Week has come and gone, and now we're back to classes. Sigh. Every year, I look forward to the much deserved break and yet again, I fail to realize how quickly a week can go by. I always start…
A trap I often fall into this time of year is thinking that I'll have some more time to study during the exam period because I'm relieved of my lecture-attending duties. What actually ends up happening is that I waste more…
I think it’s safe to say I was at the point in midterm season, or huge-influx-of-essays-due-in-one-week season where my mind was frayed.
It was the kind of fraying where I just comfortably threw my clothes on my chair when I got home. I comfortably began ‘forgetting’ to put away the snacks I had on my nightstand. I comfortably hadn’t made my bed in who knows how long. I comfortably stopped using my table as a study space and instead used it as a storage for all the books and articles I had to read.
It was like when Frank Ocean sang “a tornado flew around my room before you came”, only my situation was a lot less poetic and probably wouldn’t win any awards. I’m just going to come out and say it – my room was a mess.
An example of how my room looked at the time
Who knew procrastination would not only be the reason for it but also the resolution of it?