Missed our #ExamReadyUofT Facebook Live chat about study tips, stress-management and healthy habits during exam season? Watch the replay here! H&W Peer Supporter Kenzie, HealthyU Crew team member Sharly, and AS Peer Facilitator Sarah share tips for self-care, sleep, procrastination, time-management…
Is There Always Tomorrow?
It’s 11:40 on a Friday night and I am feverishly editing and finishing the bibliography for a paper due at 11:59. Yes, I read the syllabus ages ago. Yes, I had three weeks over which I could have evenly distributed…
Getting Exam Ready: Final Assessments and Procrastination
If you’re like me, this year your finals are either late in final season, take-home written assessments or instead, final papers and presentations all due within the final week of classes. Instead of multiple choice, short answer, and long answer…
My Relationship with Procrastination..and how I’m trying to end it
The year just started and I feel as though I am starting to get behind rather than ahead. In fact - the year just started and I've already handed in an assignment late. Granted the penalty was only a 1%,…
Starting the Year By Fighting Writer’s Block
As a humanities student, it’s vital that I have my creative (and motivation!) juices flowing for all those papers I’ll be writing this semester. I was on CLNX when I saw this workshop Addressing Writer’s Block a couple days ago;…
Quick Tips to Deal with Stress
If you clicked on this blog post you’re probably past the point of ‘time management and plan ahead is the best way to relieve stress’. It’s also at that point in the year where even taking a break to exercise…
How I Balance Work with Study as an Engineering Student
In my first year of engineering at U of T I was so swamped with work because of my poor time-management skills coupled with trying to adapt to a new environment and culture. At that point in my life I…
A Game Plan to Beat Procrastination
Have I been procrastinating writing my essays? Have I been procrastinating doing my laundry, going grocery shopping, and even writing this blog post? The answers are all yes. Over the past year I have become a major procrastinator, getting everything…
Submit On Time or Take a Late Penalty?
TLDR: take the late penalty if you think you'll learn more from it
Missing Deadlines ≠ End of the World
My motivation went from 100 to 0, real quick