We are excited to share another upcoming call for participation for all students of the UofT community!

When was the last time you experienced failure? What was your experience with failure like? Academic Success and the Innovation Hub would like to hear your story! We will be hosting student-led dialogue-based feedback sessions with the goal of deepening our understanding of what it’s like to experience failure as a student, and how we can better support it at UofT. You can also share your challenges, disappointments and struggles. Tell us what happened, how difficult it was, and everything in between. Let’s Talk.
Students across all levels of study, from undergraduate to graduate students, are encouraged to participate. We invite you to fill out our feedback form or opt-in for one of our virtual sessions. Those participating in our virtual sessions will automatically receive a $10 gift cared as a thank you.
Our deadline for participation is Monday, March 8th, 2021. Students who have signed-up for our virtual feedback sessions, will receive an email follow-up for the specific dates we’ll be holding our virtual feedback sessions. To learn more about this project and contribute, please visit: uoft.me/FailureStories
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