We’re thrilled to kick-start the fall/winter season at the Innovation Hub! We are excited to announce that we have some amazing opportunities available this Fall/Winter 2023-24! The deadline to apply for positions is August 20, 2023 at 11:59pm.
To learn what working at the Innovation Hub means to our students, read our job descriptions below! To apply to Innovation Hub, please visit https://uoft.me/iHubWorkStudy and apply via Microsoft Form.
General Information
Apply to only one position – applicants will be considered for all available Innovation Hub positions
- Start-End Date of Positions: September 8, 2023 – March 31, 2024
- Average of 6-8 hours/week to a total of 200 hours
- Pay is $16.55/hour
Available Positions

Qualitative Data Archivist [5 positions]
Led by the Qualitative Data Archivist Team Lead, the Qualitative Data Archivist team collaborates with Design Researchers on all design thinking projects to ensure qualitative data is processed and stored appropriately in the Innovation Hub’s large qualitative research software database. Tasks for this role include transcription, de-identification, and anonymization of data. The team then applies appropriate research codes and tags to the data in Dedoose and assists the design research teams in the data analysis process. The team analyzes and manages existing data in the Innovation Hub database. Archival coding, ensuring that new data is coded appropriately and making existing data available to team members on request are important aspects of this role.
Design Researcher
The Design Researcher works with a team that conducts a design thinking project for the Innovation Hub with the goal of improving the student experience in a specific area. Every project looks different but uses design thinking to provide partners with compelling insights that reframe problems innovatively and inspire action.
Design Researcher – Commuter Student Spaces [4 positions]

The Spaces & Experiences Portfolio at the University of Toronto oversees several buildings across the St. George Campus, such as Graduate House, Chestnut Residence, Dining Halls, Harbord Residence, Spadina-Sussex Residence, Knox College, and more and is looking to provide commuter students with spaces to feel their sense of home on campus. The Innovation Hub will explore the needs of commuter students and commuter students from equity-deserving populations, including students who identify as Black, Indigenous, and with disabilities. The finding of the project will inform Spaces & Experiences to make design decisions in the future of commuter students’ spaces.
Design Researcher – International Students First 48 Hours in Canada [4 positions]

International Students – First 48 Hours – The Innovation Hub will work with the team at the Office of the Vice-Provost, International Student Experience to identify a small and diverse group of up to 8 international students who are willing to document their first 48 hours in Canada. Students will be asked to use journals and video diaries to document their experiences. The Innovation Hub team will ensure that these students are supported before, during, and after their first 48 hours and beyond.
Design Researcher – Co-Creating the Future of Sport & Rec [4 positions]

The Co-Creating the Future of Sport & Rec project is a continuation of a 2022-23 partnership between the Innovation Hub and the Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education (KPE) that found that when students engage in movement, they discover more about themselves beyond just their academics and studies at the university. Phase two of this project seeks to re-engage students and staff in design-thinking based co-creation activities and user experience inquiries. The Innovation Hub team will present the vision and design principles back to students and staff, inviting the original participants and new participants to ideate practical ways that Sport & Rec can bring the design principles to life. Additionally, the Innovation Hub will facilitate user experience co-creation sessions to get real-time feedback from students about existing aspects of the Sport & Rec user experience. Of paramount importance to phase two of the Expanding Access at Sport & Rec project is to ensure participation from students with disabilities, students with diverse identities, and students from equity-deserving populations, especially those who have not yet used Sport & Rec facilities and services.
Design Researcher – Experiences of Students who are also Parents [4 positions]

The Experiences of Students who are also Parents project explores the experiences of students who have family responsibilities in partnership with the Family Care Office (FCO). The Innovation Hub has worked with FCO to explore this topic in the past and there is an opportunity to refresh this data with new information to share with the university community. This inquiry aims to explore the experiences of students with family responsibilities to uncover how the university can best support them as they pursue their studies.
Community Animator & Design Researcher [4 positions]

The Community Animator & Design Researcher team is the heart of the Innovation Hub – working to create community across our large and multidisciplinary team of student staff. The Community Animation portion of this role involves planning fun events for our team and the broader U of T student community and creating opportunities for team members to enhance their learning during their time at the Innovation Hub. The Design Researcher aspect of this role involves working on quick feedback projects for partners in the U of T community that have an immediate goal to improve student experiences in a specific area. These projects involve collecting empathy-based feedback from students and quickly translating the feedback into insightful reports for our partners. The Community Animator & Design Researcher team consists of a dynamic, creative, and passionate group of students who ‘bring life’ to The Innovation Hub. The team supports creating vibrant, inclusive, and equitable spaces for all students.
University of Toronto Quality Assurance Process Faculty of Arts & Science
The University of Toronto Quality Assurance Process (UTQAP) cyclical review ensures that academic programming at the University meets the highest standards of excellence. The cyclical review allows for maintenance and improvement through regular appraisal of undergraduate and graduate programs in academic units or those that involve more than one unit.
Innovation Hub Team Coordinator for the Arts & Science University of Toronto Quality Assurance Program (UTQAP) [2 positions]

The Team Coordinator is a leadership role that supports the A&S UTQAP Research Lead by supporting a large team of Design Researchers working on multiple projects gathering feedback from students related to a particular program or unit in the Faculty of Arts & Science. Using an empathy-based approach, the design research team focuses on understanding students’ experiences within the program or unit in four key areas: academics, student support, community building and extracurricular activities. The Team Coordinator supports the team to work together to plan and carry out data collection and analysis, preparing a report and presenting findings to the program or unit’s senior academic team. This design research process results in a presentation of data that will be presented to senior academic leaders at UofT and can directly impact future change in an Arts & Science program.
Innovation Hub Design Researcher (Research Assistant) for the Arts & Science University of Toronto Quality Assurance Process (UTQAP) [26 positions]

The Design Researcher works as part of a team that gathers feedback from students related to a particular program or unit in the Faculty of Arts & Science. Using an empathy-based approach, the design research team focuses on understanding students’ experiences within the program or unit in four key areas: academics, student support, community building and extracurricular activities. The team works together to plan and carry out data collection and analysis, preparing a report and presenting findings to the program or unit’s senior academic team. This design research process results in a presentation of data that will be presented to senior academic leaders at UofT and can directly impact future change in an Arts & Science program.
Design Researcher Positions for UTQAP at A&S with Various Units
- Canadian Studies (University College)
- Chemistry
- Cognitive Science (University College)
- Criminology & Sociolegal Studies
- Critical Studies in Equity & Solidarity (New College)
- Industrial Relations & Human Resources (CIRHR)
- Spanish & Portuguese
- Sexual Diversity Studies
- Statistical Sciences
- Women & Gender Studies
Innovation Hub Quantitative Data Analyst for the Arts & Science University of Toronto Quality Assurance Process (UTQAP) [3 positions]

The Data Analyst works with research teams that conduct design thinking projects for the Innovation Hub in support of the University of Toronto Faculty of Arts & Science (A&S) Quality Assurance Process (UTQAP). The Data Analyst supports the survey portions of all the UTQAP projects, including overseeing the survey data collection and analysis, supporting teams in writing reports to present the insights uncovered in the data, making recommendations and prototypes for potential solutions.

Digital Storyteller (Graphic Design) [5 positions]
Digital Storytellers bring to life content produced within project teams with visual imagery, models and infographics. This role involves creating professional reports and presentations of design research data, blog posts, website content, and more. The role may also entail special projects, such as website design and development, or developing creative materials outside of the scope of design research projects. We also welcome applicants with a background in photography and videography.

Innovation Hub Photographer [1 position]
The Photographer brings the Innovation Hub’s work to life within the UofT community. The Photographer may undertake special photography projects such as photo essays, photo shoots, videography, and more. The role also involves developing creative materials to support design research projects.
Innovation Hub Blog Editor & Digital Content Writer [2 positions]

The Innovation Hub is taking our blog to the next level and is looking for two Blog Editor & Digital Content Writers to do just that! In this role, the successful candidate will co-lead a team of volunteer writers to generate written and digital content for the Innovation Hub’s blog, website, and promotional materials. This is a highly strategic role that involves planning for the Innovation Hub’s digital content, ensuring that content is engaging and conveyed to our communities in an accessible manner. The Blog Editor & Digital Content Writers plan and develop blog posts, website content, and additional items such as promotions for events and additional materials as needed. Building an engaging community of writers and having fun throughout the writing process, while holding others accountable is an important aspect of this role. Students who have great writing experience and wish to build leadership skills will be particularly interested in this role. To learn more about the Innovation Hub’s work, check out our blog. http://blogs.studentlife.utoronto.ca/innovationhub/blog/
Learn More About Our Work
Check out our most recent Working at the Innovation Hub Event from our wonderful Leadership Team!
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