Call for Participants: Honouring Black Student Stories in Commuter Spaces

Honouring Black Student Stories Banner

In partnership with Spaces & Experiences, the Innovation Hub is hosting student-led feedback sessions to inform design decisions for future spaces for commuters. Our discussion will invite Black-identifying students to share their stories, perspectives, and experiences in a safer space for participants with lived experience to speak openly. 

We’re Hiring Digital Communications Coordinator for Fall-Winter 2023-24

Digital Communications Coordinator Banner

Are you interested in communication, collaboration, leadership, and project management? Are you wishing to create change and improve the campus student experience at U of T? The Innovation Hub is hiring Digital Communications Coordinator. We are seeking innovative, insightful, determined leader to join our team! This is a role that works Monday – Friday from 9am – 4pm at the Innovation Hub, and is suitable for students with evening courses and/or part-time students, or recent graduates.

Call for Participants: Co-Creating the Future of Sport & Rec

Want to help shape the future of Sport & Rec programs, services, and spaces?

In partnership with Sport & Rec, the Innovation Hub is hosting co-creation sessions to hear from students on reimagining programs, services, and spaces to better serve students with unmet accessibility needs. Feedback will inform changes to make Sport & Rec offerings more welcoming to students of all backgrounds, abilities, genders, races, and bodies. Participants will receive $25 in TBucks after attending the session as a thank you!

Call for Participants: Reimagining Commuter Spaces

Reimaining Commuter Spaces

With a large commuter student population, U of T needs spaces for students to spend time and feel a sense of home. In partnership with Spaces & Experiences, the Innovation Hub is hosting student-led feedback sessions to inform design decisions for future spaces for commuters. We invite you to share your experiences and help the university design new spaces on campus. 

How Student Participation Can Combat Social Inequality

Ruth Smiling

Equity-focused research methods aim to inform us of our participants’ needs, not justify why those needs aren’t met. Ruth shares her experience exploring equitable research methods. 

Written by Ruth Rodrigues, Master of Education, Social Justice Education, Qualitative Data Archivist Team Lead

Project Reflections: Faculty of Arts & Science University of Toronto Quality Assurance Process Student Consultations 2022-23

The UTQAP Design Research Teams reflect on their journey through these projects and the importance of collaboration and empathy in the design research process uncovering the value of human connection in both data collection and data analysis. 

Project Insights from the Sport & Rec: Expanding Access Project

Francesca smiling against a white background.

The Innovation Hub recently concluded its Expanding Access: Sport & Rec project. Francesca, Design Research Team Lead, reflects on how stories can build empathy in understanding others throughout the research process.  

Written by Francesca Pabale, Design Research Team Lead, Master of Education, Higher Education 

Redesigning the Classroom Experience: How Tech2U is Supporting both Students and Instructors

Innovation Hub Transforming the Instructional Landscape TIL Team

One Innovation Hub team shares their experience working with Tech2U, a program that provides direct technical support to instructors in their classroom. The team reflects on how they feel Tech2U is a program that supports both students and instructors and enhances the learning experience at the University of Toronto.  

Written by Tiffany Tan, Chenyu Huang, Cindy Ly, Jackie Betel (Design Researcher); Anchana Kuganesan, Design Research Team Lead