I was walking down the intersection of St. George Street and Wilcocks Street, heading towards Sidney Smith, and I hear a young man say “Excuse me, do you know if there is a Post Office on campus?” Thinking fast, my…
Hissing Cockroaches and Confused Flowers: A History Student in the BIO150 Lab
There are some questions which never fail to rouse my curiosity. One of them pertains to how flowering plants, native to to the southern hemisphere but growing in small brown pots on my living room table, know that even though…
(Why Didn’t I Know About) The Centre for Women and Trans People
Well, people, U of T has a place called the Centre for Women and Trans People, all the way on the Spadina side of life; specifically at 563 Spadina Avenue, in the North Borden Building. Kind of by New College.…
Bloodletting Yet No Miraculous Cures
For those who did not get the Vincent Lam allusion, just think of the title as a more collegiate way of saying "screwed". Which many of us have been and will be during every midterm and exam season. The following,…
Men of Movember
I think I chose the worst time possible to start up a regular blog for u of t. This semester alone, my sister got married, my friend has moved into my basement and, on Nov. 18th, my grandpa died. Each…
Your Honour, Presenting the Pre-Law Society
As a connection with last week's Sussex Clubhouse, I thought I'd follow in Mary's footsteps, and feature a club (check out Mary's Mais oui - you too can speak French on campus! blog post!). U of T's Pre-Law Society has an…
Toronto University Students’ Book Exchange
Today I did some basic math. I’ve been at U of T for eight terms (including summer courses), taking an average of four courses per term, and buying an average of four books per class. Although the price of books…
So I wanted this cheesecake…
I lost my faith in the Second Cup about a year ago when I wanted cheesecake. “Does it have any nuts?” I asked “I dunno. Hey, dude, does this have nuts?” The guy behind the counter turned and asked his…
Lucy’s Life Rules
Making generalizations is an inevitable part of life. When I was still young and innocent, I used to pose Great Questions that I had thought were oh-so-intellectual, but as it turns out, the rest of the world (aka philosophers) had…
Welcome to the Sussex Clubhouse!!
You've tried everything – went to all the club fairs, checked out the Hart House, got on all the mailing lists, and scoured the streets for newsletters. You've just had to face it, there's no club out there that's just…