What I call the Apocalypse U of T calls The Distinguished Lecturer Series: one way to deal with fear.

There's something about waking in the still-dark hours of the night that causes me to lapse into a temporary bout of intense anxiety, in which I worry about any of the following things: 1) whether or not I really am…

Assigned Readings at U of T: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Up to last week, I believed that the r'aison d'être behind studying English is good communication. Boy, was I proved wrong: for a fourth year seminar, I was assigned an article, Animal Nomenclature: Facing Other Animals, by Richard Nash, English academic extraordinaire.  First…

“Uh, so what did I learn from humanities?” Mary gets a rock for Christmas

"So really, what's the point?"  This is the question that creeps into my consciousness with frightening regularity. Particularly now that I'm finishing university and graduating with a specialist in history, without any palpable skills other than supposedly being able to…