Office hours are designated hours professors/sessional lecturers holds weekly, in which you can go and talk to them about a variety of topics without making an appointment. Most professors list their office hours in the syllabus of their course, so…
Making Friends at University: My Top 3 Tips!
Sometimes, the scariest thing about university is just trying to make friends! As I mentioned in my last post, I moved from Vancouver to Toronto without knowing a single person. Now, I’ve made lots of great friends in this city. But,…
Next Steps & My Quest to Find an Internship
One of the first pieces of advice I was given when I got to university was, "Make sure you get as much work experience as possible before you graduate." Seeing as I'll be graduating shortly, I've been taking this advice…
Indigenous Career Fair
Shé:kon/hello, everyone! I hope you’re having a great Family Day and reading week (for those of you on Reading Week!) #JoyatUofT was a success and it was amazing to see all of the things that brought you joy both on…
Wakatshennón:ni (I am happy)
It’s the time of the year where the snow keeps falling and spring’s warmth seems far away, where midterms are almost here, yet the end is months away. It can turn you into a bit of a hermit and an…
My Networking Skills are a Work in Progress
My experience networking is far from extensive, unless cultivating a digital resumé on Linkedin counts. So, I decided to attend a Career Exploration & Education workshop called Networking Made Easy to give me a taste of networking is about, beyond the anecdotes…
Networking is Getting a Little Easier

The Time I Almost Participated in the Extern Program
When I heard about the Extern Job Shadowing Program, I was interesting in learning more about it, and hopefully participating in it. The Extern Program allows U of T students and recent graduates to match with an organisation and attend…
Time for the Summer Job Hunt?
That title above was literally what I said, when in my first year of university, I found out that summer job postings go up January. I had no prior job experience, except for a handful of unpaid volunteer positions,…
Career Exploration: My First Conference Experience
Growing up I was so painfully shy. If I went through a day saying 10 words to someone that would be me having a "talkative" day. While I still consider myself to be a pretty shy person and am someone…