On Monday evening I attended a workshop focused around my favourite topic of all time: food.
(I have Italian origins and I can quite happily discuss food forever).
The workshop was hosted by a UofT Dietician on behalf of the Dieticians of Canada, to celebrate March as Nutrition Month. The title,100 Meal Journey, represents the average number of meals that one person will eat in a month. The workshop focused on goal setting and planning to create small changes in eating habits that make a big difference over 100 meals.
The idea is that the journey is broken up into weekly tasks, but it is not too late to join. You can make a pledge and dieticians will send you motivational tips on how to achieve your goal.
Hi there!
Where is your phone right now? If you are like me, the answer is almost certainly face-up on the desk beside you, or in your pocket on vibrate. I keep my phone within arms length at all times.
my phone is my staple study-buddy