Greetings blog-lovers! I had other ideas in mind about what to write this week, but I couldn’t seem to get it together because I had so many things on my mind – school assignments, my own life, my cat (no,…
Go Get a Job
Well folks, we are off to a fresh new month, the weather is getting cooler and soon there will be snow. Oh, and a lot of you are going to be hurting for cash when you realize that OSAP money…
Hi, my name is Lori and I’m a glossophobic
glossophobia: an abnormal fear of speaking in public or of trying to speak. When I was eight years old, I had to write my very first speech. I wrote it about my dog "Buttons", a lovable mutt who thought he was…
Working for the Weekend: Tips on Finding a Job on Campus
You might wake up every morning and feel like this. (I know the feeling, guys, believe me, I've had a nasty cold all week and even getting out of bed has been a struggle.) But even still, the reality is…
Stop the Presses! This just in: writing for a campus newspaper is easy
I remember the first article that I ever wrote for The Varsity. It was my first year of university and I had signed up for the Varsity News email list at UTSU's Clubs Day. (You can sign up at anytime…
Impersonating Zuckerberg: Lessons on faking it until you make it at CUTC
One of the lecture halls in the Medical Science building is illuminated with red spotlights and pumping with club music. It's approximately 9am on a Saturday, and if it weren't for the fact that the place is packed with keen…
Goodbyes, hellos, and an invitation: UpbeaT makes its seasonal shift
Hello everyone: Chris Garbutt here, manager of the UpbeaT project at Student Life. You've probably read all the goodbye posts from this year's bloggers. It's been a great year at UpbeaT. Week after week, our bloggers told you about the…
A Perfect Storm
I find it particularly worrisome that tax time and exam time mesh so intimately; the period from the end of March to mid-April transforms into a perfect storm of anticipatory stress. The time of year to give or, more rarely,…
On The Summer Job Hunt…
Don’t allow yourselves to be fooled by how miserably grey it looks outdoors – summer will soon be upon us. Well, by “summer”, I mean the end of the 2010-2011 school year. And with the end of this semester comes,…
Om-Ombuds… Ombudsperson?
Hello, dear readers! Happy institutionalized day of romance! Any Valentine's plans? Have you ever seen the posters around campus telling you to contact the Ombudsperson? Or ever wondered what that is? I did. The office has been around for more…