picture of cartoon viruses

Staying Healthy During Flu Season

In university, it almost seems like the “flu season” is really the just the school season. Everywhere I go, I hear people around me coughing and sneezing. Normally, I don’t mind too much, but when it gets close to midterm and exam season, I do everything I can to avoid getting sick (because being sick and sleep deprived while writing a test is not a good combination). Prepping my immune system Diet and exercise are really important in helping build a healthy immune system. Sometimes, I’m so busy studying that I forget (or choose to) skip meals. But during flu season, I know I need to have adequate (and healthy) foods to avoid getting sick. A personal favourite snack of mine is yogurt with some berries; it’s yummy and doesn’t take any effort to make at all. Most importantly, I drink as much water as possible- staying hydrated is key!
Picture of my agenda, yogurt, notes, and pens
Eating healthy snacks while studying!
Any kind of exercise is good since it allows my body to develop a stronger immune system to fight off the flu. If I’m feeling lazy, I’ll just go for a quick jog outside. When I have extra time to spare, I go to the drop-in fitness classes that Hart House offers because as a U of T student, I’m automatically a member, so why not?! Take precautions I live by the motto: you can never be too careful. This becomes particularly true during the flu season. Aside from the basic, “wash my hands before eating” practice, I make it a habit of mine to wash my hands after a lecture (remember, better safe than sorry) and after using public transit. If washing my hands isn’t exactly convenient for me (because sometimes, I have absolutely no time in between lectures), I always carry hand sanitizer with me – its’s a lifesaver! There are other small precautions I like to take as well. I avoid going to areas where there are a lot of people (hard to find, I know). Instead of going to Robarts, I would opt for a more secluded place, like Emmanuel College. I'll also sit in areas where there are less people. If I suspect that someone is sick, I tend to avoid going near them (no offence, I’m just trying to stay healthy). I also keep away from taking public transit whenever possible. Instead, I opt for walking outside, which has better air circulation and is better for my overall health!
Picture of the inside of convocation hall
sitting upstairs to avoid the crowds!
In the midst of the flu season, it’s important to do everything you can to protect yourselves. Stay healthy everyone! 🙂

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