Oh midterm season, that dreadful time of year when everyone hides in their rooms or at the library, with their heads buried in their textbooks, forgetting that they ever had a social life. As a second-year student, I know the drill now. But nonetheless, I’m still worried because each year, the work becomes harder. This time around I don’t have any exams, which I am glad about, but I have two papers and two presentations to complete. At U of T, no one escapes midterm season scot-free; there is always something to study for.
The thing is, I know that I won’t get anything done when I’m stressed out; I put things off until the eleventh hour. And even though I’m probably going to leave one of those assignments for the classic do-it-all-in-one-night style (hey, it’s a student tradition), I still want to be, and to feel, at the top of my game. So, at the start of the week, I made a list of goals to keep my head in check:
1. Go to the gym at least once alone and once with a friend (maybe this is how I can be social again).2. Keep attending Pilates classes.3. Between reading a chapter, or writing a paragraph, stop and stretch for relaxation. 4. Take time to do the much appreciated “treat yo’self.” Seriously.Parks and Recreation had this right all along. –VIA SPIFFYPOP.TUMBLR.COM
When it came to actually completing my to-do list, I was running short on energy, but still managed to reach these goals.
1. Gym?
I was aiming to be one of those “I-wake-up-at-6:00AM-to-go-to-the-gym”-types of people, but this week was devoted to night time exercising. Also, it was easier to go with a friend at night since we both had an evening class together. Even though I wasn't active during my planned time, I was still being active nonetheless. After all, the most important part was that after returning back to my room, I was calm enough to be able to sit down and focus on my readings.
2. + 3. Doing Pilates + Practicing my stretches
I attended my Pilates class, but it was a struggle. I fell behind on practicing my planking, which I’d made a pact to perfect since last week. The night before Pilates class, I stayed up until 4:00AM doing readings and editing a paper. I woke up early all groggy and exhausted. In retrospect, staying up so late (or early, if you’re a grim thinker) wasn't the best decision, but I didn't want that mistake let me skip my Pilates class, and cause a chain reaction for the rest of the week. So I went!
And you know what? When I left the AC after class, I felt revived. I was still drained from the lack of sleep, but I was calmer, and had more patience to carry on with the rest of the day. Also, I did manage to slip in some time to practice the plank afterwards.
Don’t pull an all-nighter. Your eyes will punish you for it. —VIA GIFGARAGE.COM
4. Time off + Motivation
Also I did manage to take time to achieve number four on my list, that “treat yo’self” task that I promised I would do. After completing my first presentation, I decided to take a hike to a cute café in Kensington Market. There I lounged around while sipping some blueberry honey tea. It didn't hurt that the café made a great place for me to study at the same time.
And another thing that’s helping me to get through midterms that didn't make my list? Making plans to join in on fun events. I realized that I needed some extra motivation to push through my never-ending pile of assignments. Most of all, I need the balance that being social brings. There’s an upcoming MoveU event coming up, Scary Skate, on October 31st. Also, it’s free, as in free to attend, with free refreshments, and free skate rentals—as a university student, I am shameless to say that free is my favourite word. Although I guess in this case, free comes with a cost, since I have a fear of skating. But I’m curious to try it out. And if I can survive midterms, then I’m confident that I’ll survive giving ice-skating another chance.
Even this goat can skate better than me. –VIA 4GIFS.COMSo now, it’s your turn to tell me dear readers. What have you been doing to keep active (and survive) this midterm season?
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