(image thanks to wildanimalfightclub.com)
I have ‘bear-like’ tendencies. At least that’s the only way I’ve been able to make sense of my seasonally-affected body changes. I mean why else would my body go into hibernation each year, requiring more sleep each night and using the fall and early winter to gain extra fat stores to bundle up for the winter!
10-15lb each year of extra “warmth” isn’t my idea of a fun physiological adaptation, but much to my dismay I’ve never been able to avoid it. As you can imagine I really don’t appreciate these annual “trends” which is why this winter, for the first time in my life, I’m “stickin it to the bear.” I’ve made some lifestyle changes, small baby-bear steps if you will, to ameliorate the grizzly gain event I’ve become so used to!
So how did I get past the "bear season blahs" you may be wondering? Well a couple of things;
1. I found a job that requires me to exercise a lot. It’s this blogging job as a matter of fact! It might seem counter-intuitive that I sit and write for work but don’t be deceived, I actually have to participate in sweet activities that keep me moving.
2. My nursing program ensures I’m only sitting at a desk or in lecture 3 days a week. On the other two I’m hustling and bustling around a hospital with my peers trying to keep track of our patients. Sitting less helps.
3. I "heel toe it" to school and back every day. Which is about 3km of walking, which help mitigate some bear-tendencies.
4. Volleyball intramurals once a week. Team Nurse had a big win last night but the competition was stiff. It's a great way to get some laughs, and fun, in too.
5. Triathalon Club. Talk about big bear-fighting capabilities. Tuesday night we ran hill repeats around Casa Loma. The staircase they’ve got there isn’t just historically sweet, it’s also a great glut burner!
6. Everything in moderation. If I have a big work out or do a lot of exercise I make sure to reward myself. Whether it’s a glass of red or triple chocolate chip cookies. Life’s too short not to have treats.
7. Variety is the spice of life. Why just run on the treadmill like a hamster on a wheel when you can get your beans out in so many ways. If you’re short on ideas head to this page for some great classes, it’ll increase your exercise repertoire big time!
8. No matter what you’re doing, make sure you’re having fun. It’s easy to get caught-up and put your bear face on and take yourself too seriously. If you really want to break free of the bear winter though, make sure you’re taking fun measures to do so.
On that note! I encourage you all to shed your proverbial ‘bears’…whether they be ‘weight bears’ or ‘grumpy winter mood bears’ or ‘not enough sleep bears’. Any of the aforementioned eight tips should come in ‘bear beating’ handy! If you think not, why not tell me what works for you…Check out the comment box below!
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