Can you believe two weeks of classes have already flown by? Life just seems to get insanely busy for us students once the term begins – we are immediately bombarded with quiz dates, assignment deadlines, and mid-term schedules. With a never-ending to-do list, I know that one of the first things we put on the back-burner (besides sleep) is exercise. I think we've all been in a situation before where it felt like there just wasn’t enough time to squeeze it into a chaotic day.
Although it can be challenging to strike a healthy balance between work and play, my goal is to show you that it is indeed possible, and that it can be really fun! I am super excited to be a part of the Student Life team this year, and to get out and explore the countless opportunities available for getting active on or near campus.
This year, I want to dispel a lot of pre-conceived notions, myths and rumours about active living and inspire people to think outside the box. You don’t necessarily need to have the latest high-tech running shoes or flashy spandex apparel to get started; some old shorts and a comfy tee work just fine (and is what I would usually wear). “Working out” isn’t limited to just pumping weights or running on the treadmill – you might prefer an outdoor activity instead. Maybe you’ve already been playing team sports your whole life, or maybe the word "athlete" is a completely foreign term to you. That’s ok! We don’t all have to be gymaholics, hockey stars, or yoga gurus. The wonderful thing about exercise is that the options are virtually endless, and range from absolute beginner to total expert. All you need is a little creativity and a willingness to try something new.
My hope is that this post, and those to follow, inspire you to get up, get out, and most of all, get moving! Sometimes the difference between heading out for a brisk walk or run and spending that spare hour on Facebook is a little extra motivation…
...So I will do my best to help you out by sharing tips to keep you in the know on FREE, or almost free, events and offerings on campus throughout the year!
All pumped up but don't know where to start? Then check out the extensive list of athletics and recreation clubs at U of T – there are so many options, from longboarding to Kungfu Dynamics and everything in between. You can also see if any of the FREE drop-in fitness classes offered at Hart House or the AC fit with your schedule; printed copies of the current schedules are available at both facilities. Full-size day lockers are free to use, but remember to bring your own lock!
- Lesia

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