Food Love. Image thanks to
I. Love. Food. I love cheese; I just turned the corner on olives; I love bread. I love my friend Feeble because she makes the best food in the world, like onion jam!!! (What is that even, other than pure tastiness?) Anyways, I think all of my closest friends love eating as much as I do and that’s probably why all of our social engagements revolve around food…I can’t stop! My mouth is watering just writing this. Egads.
I don’t know about you, but if people were divided into those that “live to eat” and those that “eat to live” you better believe I’d be in the first category. With that in mind, it’s probably not a huge surprise to hear that I’m excited about March since it’s all about food; it’s National Nutrition Month! This isn’t just a U of T thing; we’re talking about a nationwide initiative here! And it's pretty handy timing for me. With all this triathlon training my appetite has been keeping me on my toes. I’m learning a ton from my new ‘mates about how to foster a healthy diet to best fuel my 'tri' body! But with the flood of info that’s coming out this month about eating well, I’m sure to get even more insight!
Being March ‘n all, I was perusing the Dietitians of Canada website. Specifically, I was looking at their myth busting section and found some very interesting information! Just the other day my roomie came home and was striking fear into my heart about the perils of cows’ milk! I had also just returned from an in-house movie date, that I had brought homemade popcorn supplies to, but my host didn’t have salt! Needless to say, these two separate events had me a little shook, milk and salty popcorn are staple items in my nutritive state! Fortunately the myths confirmed I need not fear Canadian milk and that table salt was a-ok to keep in-house, as it only comprises about 11% of our daily sodium intake. Don’t believe me?! Check it out!
So what does our very own U of T have going on in this oh-so-tasty month?! Well, a ton of super exciting nutrition-related things just for YOU!
Who doesn’t want sweet prizes and fresh information on healthy eating?! Look no further than the Nutrition Fair at The Bahen Centre on March 17th
Or say hello to tasty maple syrup on March 19th when you sugar off at Hart House Farm! I don’t know about you but I’m overly anxious to get out to the retreat-esque Niagra Escarpment. Tell me you like the sound of a Finnish-style log sauna too!
Want to impress your dinner date friends!? Why not try out your culinary skills with the Community Kitchen on the 20th of the month!?
Or if you’re in the mood for nutritive-academia the Athletic Centre is hosting a beginner’s guide to health eating, pre and post workout! Definitely good info to get on March 26th as we enter the coming season of outdoor activity and sun!
If you’ve got further questions that have anything nutrition or work-out based feel free to toss your queries in the drop-box outside of the strength and conditioning centre at the Athletic Centre. You’ll get a personalized e-mail with the answer to your question in just 10 days. Talk about service!
I’m quite curious to know how you’ll be spending your nutrition month this year – I plan on homemade brunching, old friend potlucking, dinner dating and bed breakfasting my way into exam season. Throw me a bone and let me know your ideas on how to make this the healthiest, tastiest month yet!
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