Last year I was a part of Blue Crew, a volunteer community of the University of Toronto Student Union. If you are new to Toronto, are in first year, or would love to learn more about U of T campus…
How Extracurricular Activities Help me Find Community and More!
I hope everyone had a restful Reading Week, whether it was productive or not! We are more than halfway through this term so keep your head up and get ready to appreciate the longer daylight hours we have! This week,…
How I beat the winter blues during reading week
During the winter term of first year, I stayed at my residence on campus for reading week. There was nothing wrong about this except...I felt very depressed. I still don't know the exact cause. I vividly remember that I was…
Saving Money as a Student
Stress? Check. Unhealthy sleep schedules? Check. Student debt? Check! Money is one of the (many) worries I have as a student, so I wanted to write about how I try to limit my expenses and save as much money as…
Going Running at the Athletic Centre
In which I realize running with friend beats running alone, even if they can run much faster for much longer than you can.
Finding joy wherever I go!
I've always believed in the importance of slowing down and looking around us. Beauty is everywhere! This week I've been reminded of this over and over again. It rained aaaall weekend. When Monday came, the rain seemed to have stopped.…
Self-Compassion and Listening to Yourself
With the term in full swing, it’s also peak midterm season! Things haven’t been going too great for me, but this is why I want to share this week’s topic: self-compassion. This term is the first time I'm using my…
Why I Love Joining Extracurriculars
I have always liked to be involved with school events, so I knew I wanted to join a club or council here at U of T. Currently, I am an executive member of the University of Toronto Global Brigades (UTGB),…
Carpe Read ‘Em: 7 Books to Motivate and Inspire You
Aaniin! Why don’t students have extra time to read? Because they’re always booked! This week I wanted to talk about something that I’m sure a lot of us struggle with…as a student I find it hard to find the motivation…
Sipping Tea at the Toronto Tea Festival
Over the weekend, I visited Toronto's Tea Festival at the Reference Library (which is also a great place to study downtown). A myriad of vendors offered samples from diverse types of tea leaves including cultures such as from…