Cookies are a staple of my diet. I eat at least one per day. If I ever awoke one day to a chocolate chip shortage, I really don't how I would deal. Cookies are not just yummy snacks for me,…
What the Writing Centre Really Does
Sometimes after your first year, it feels like the universe stops offering you free workshops, free pens and free advice. I beg to differ. I mean it’s not like the Career Centre disappears into the abyss as you approach your…
Being Peter Parker
With the Student Life Community Crew, The Ethics, Society and Law Students’ Association, The Underwear Club, Work-Study at the School of Public Policy and Governance, a service learning placement in the winter and a more-than-full course load—to say that I’ve…
The “Best” Me?
Lately, or at least since the school year started, I’ve been going to bed by reviewing the day I’ve had. Time and time again, I've been find myself coming back to the same question of if I'm being the best…
Commuter Noob: A Cry for Help
From first year to third year, I lived beside the CN Tower and had a 20-minute to commute to campus. Life was soo good. But with a recent turn of events in my life, I’ve decided to move back to…
freaks and geeks – the first year of a life science student
Hey, I'm Abdullah! Starting today, I'll be blogging for Life @ U of T. I'm a Cell and Molecular Bio student minoring in Psychology and American Studies. I'm also from UC. I like long walks down University Ave. to Union…
Work/play balance lowest in the country?
In a Globe & Mail article, “University Report Card 2012 Rankings”, the University of Toronto received a D for work/play balance, making it the lowest ranked university in the country. I, to be honest, do not get this at all.…
Productivity: Pomodoro Style
There's no doubt that student life is a continuous balancing act of going to class, reading, studying, outside activities and employment (for some), all while attempting to have some kind of a social life. With all this juggling going on,…
“So…what’s your availability like…?”
* ...I really wanted to do a post about food, but my grandfather is downstairs doing something to a fish....and I don't know what exactly it involves....but it smells strong and horrible and it makes me never eat again/die. So there will be no…