That’s right…the holidays are coming! Exams or not, it’s inevitable, that come December 21
st we will all be free! For a little while at least…but let’s not think about 2012 just yet. We’ve still got some celebrating before January 9
th hits. I’ve compiled a list of relaxing, energizing and fun activities to help you enjoy the holidays and a few pointers on how to avoid some common traps! Or perhaps it’s just
my to-do list to help me keep active in the season of over-consumption and over-indulgence! I'd be surprised if I'm the only one who over-consumes and later repents. If this sounds familiar, maybe this post will speak to you.
To Do:
- Skating – Lace up at the outdoor at City Hall if you’re staying in the city, or some backyard in a smaller town if you’re heading home!
- Snowball fight!!! Kidding…there’s no snow…but if there is, then do it!
- Buy the heaviest boots you can and wear them all the time. (I did that and now I regret it, except on days that are below -20. Then I’m pleased.)
- Sign up for a registered program now, so you can stick with it and start fresh in 2012! Trampolining to triathlon they've got something for everyone...I just sent my form in today to register for triathlon!
- Lug your textbooks to the used textbook store and get redeemed for some cash moola to help buy those remaining gifts! (Or the first gift, that’s right, I’ve got nothing so far! Yikes!)
- Don’t run outside in the rainy weather, move indoors to the track in the AC.
- Walk 'n shop! Avoid the mall, the stores are too close together and the people too pushy! Take your list to the streets and enjoy the fresh air!
- Cut down your own tree and then drag it home!! Try not to lose any needles, but don’t strain your back either.
- Set-up a sweet holiday playlist and then dance around your house celebrating the end of exams! If I could write and dance I’d be doing that right now!!!
- Hit up the Athletic Centre before heading home! They’ve got excellent drop-in classes to rev you up before that holiday party, so you have a hardy appetite for all that amazing food you're about to enjoy!
- Make all your homemade baked goods by hand! Say no to electric mixers and tone up your biceps and deltoids. Make sure to switch stirring hands so you don’t have one big and one small arm!
- Best of all, enjoy yourself! You’re only a student for the first half of your life, or longer, if this is your second undergrad. Like me. Whoop!!!
Happy Holidays Everyone!!! Ta ta for now and toodles till 2012!!!
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