
Get Involved

Icon labelled "students"Do you have a passion for creating better experiences for UofT students? Students are central to the work of the Innovation Hub – we rely on your input at all stages of the design process. There are lots of ways to get involved, including job opportunities, volunteering on one of the teams or being interviewed for a research project. Have any questions?  Contact us!

Current Opportunities

While our window for recruiting work study students for Summer 2019 has officially closed, we always welcome individuals interested in collaborating with the Innovation Hub to reach out to us with questions.

Past Calls-to-Action

The Innovation Hub is Hiring! (Summer 2019)

Join the Innovation Hub as a Volunteer (FW 2018-19)

The Innovation Hub is Hiring! Work-Study Applications Now Open (FW 2018-19)

 The Innovation Hub is Hiring! (Summer 2018)

Join the 2017-18 Innovation Hub Team!

Inviting Students and Staff – Get Involved in the Big Ideas Project Teams

Co-Curricular Opportunities at the Innovation Hub in 2017-18

Innovation Hub Ideas Workshop 2017

Ideas from the Innovation Hub: Feedback Needed!