Participants of Interfaith bus tour in front of Hindu temple

Interfaith Programming (1.2)

The Multi Faith Centre provides an inclusive space for students to engage in community and explore diverse cultural and spiritual practices. Over the past year, 277 students participated in interfaith programming through World Interfaith Harmony Week, Interfaith Friendship Circles and bus tours to sites of worship. These diverse opportunities helped students build on their own experiences and encourages them to connect with others to build interfaith communities.

The feedback from participants has been overwhelmingly positive

“It was an amazing tour with all of its parts starting with the school bus. I learned a lot from all the places we went to, from the talks of guides, and from the questions of my colleagues which taught me what main questions/ideas people want to know about any religion or belief.

It was a very interesting tour and a very rich experience! It wasn’t just about visiting the worship sites but also learning and listening from knowledgeable guides who are practicing followers of those religions. This seven-hour tour with a nice group of 20 interested people is indeed mind refreshing. I don’t think I’d be able to visit those far sites if such a tour wasn’t organized by U of T’s Multi-Faith Centre.”

Sites of Worship participant

“This was my first engagement with the World Interfaith Harmony Week, and I found it incredibly informative – a great introduction to U of T interfaith community.

Living in a diverse city such as Toronto gives us a really good opportunity to learn from each other! I’m glad the University has created this space for sharing and learning 😊

The programs offered at World Interfaith Harmony Week are a great opportunity to learn about navigating the interfaith world in a more skillful, learned and compassionate manner. Thank You!”

World Interfaith Harmony Week participant