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Starting Point – Student Engagement (1.1, 1.2, 1.3)

Starting Point is a comprehensive program designed to support first-year, first-entry students at the University of Toronto from Orientation, Transition and Engagement. The Signature Program Assessment recognizes Starting Points’ broad mandate, focusing on students’ initial experiences with U of T and Student Life, aiming to enhance their support and involvement. The program encompasses academic success, career exploration, civic engagement, leadership, equity and involvement activities. 

In 2022-23, the initiative had 947 registered participants, with a goal of reaching 1,500, indicating lower enrollment compared to previous years. Of the registrants, 55% completed the pre-reflection and only 17% participated in at least one session. This year only 2% completed Co-Curricular Record (CCR) validation due to challenges faced during the year. 

Although these results were not what we hoped for, several recommendations came out of completing the Signature Program Assessment, including streamlining success in Starting Point by introducing a tiered CCR certification system based on completed events. Boosting participation, through better initial promotion strategies, along with an improved user interface for easier navigation. Additionally, a more automated approval process is suggested to expedite procedures. 

For future enhancements, the plan involves transitioning to UniHub for an enhanced user-experience and fostering more connected events within Student Life through program tracking on CLNx. To ensure success, it is crucial for team leads and Student Life staff to set up program tracking before September, linking events early in the academic year.