stack of blaocks that read: diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, tolerance, identity and acceptance.

EDI Education Series – Student Engagement (1.1, 1.2, 1.3)

The Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Education Series from Clubs and Leadership Development is a comprehensive initiative with a broad reach, designed to provide accessible education to any student. It is an integral part of various programs such as Joint Orientation Leader Training (JOLT), Mentorship Foundations, Learning to Lead, Leadership for Grads, Clubs Essential Training and more. The series focuses on audience-specific training, building on students’ knowledge and lived experiences. 

Comprised of workshops such as Creating Inclusive Environments, Equity 101, Introduction to Anti-Oppressive Practices (AOP), Understanding and Responding to Microaggressions and more, the series aims to instill key insights. The Signature Program Assessment indicates that participants consistently achieved the learning outcomes, with a high level of satisfaction and enjoyment from the workshops. 

While the term two response rate was low, students are engaging in multiple workshops, suggesting a positive impact. The high satisfaction levels and the perception of achieving curriculum goals indicate that participants find value in the series. Engaging with this work is seen as a crucial first step in fostering a culture of care and belonging. 

For the upcoming 23-24 term, Clubs and Leadership Development plans to use the same series for SPA 2.0, leveraging success and positive feedback. The focus will shift towards more reflective questions, exploring the impact on participants’ thoughts, beliefs and actions. The intention is to continually refine the program, ensuring it imparts knowledge and facilitates meaningful changes in participants’ perspectives and behaviors.