house with heart in speech bubble icon against a pink background

Housing Student Peer Program (3.5)

In the fiscal year 2022–23, Housing Services made significant strides in enhancing student support at the University of Toronto by hiring and training Work Study students in peer advisor and outreach roles.

With a focused mission to assist students navigating the challenges of finding and maintaining suitable housing in Toronto, these dedicated student peers played a pivotal role in providing valuable information and resources. 

The student peers underwent comprehensive training, equipping them with the skills to assist their peers with questions related to the housing search, roommate issues, maintenance or repairs, tenancy law or other concerns that arise when living off campus. Their commitment to supporting students was evident as they engaged with 138 students during a highly successful tabling event, creating a platform for meaningful conversations and connections. 

Throughout the year, student peers maintained a consistent presence by conducting regular appointments, ensuring that students had access to relevant information and referrals. Their dedication to fostering a positive and informed housing experience for their fellow students has contributed significantly to the overall success of Housing Services’ initiatives.