Missed our #JoyatUofT YouTube Live? Watch the replay here! University of Toronto students Amber, Kamilah, and Alec from the Centre for Learning Strategy Support and Health & Wellness share tips for finding balance (which will look different for everyone), keeping…
#JoyatUofT: Balancing Self-Care and Studying During Reading Week (and Beyond!)
Missed our #JoyatUofT Facebook Live? Watch the replay here!
University of Toronto students Izzy, Amal and Jo from Academic Success and Health & Wellness share tips for finding balance (which will look different for everyone), keeping calm and getting…
Take a Deep Breath and Don’t Worry About Breadth
With course selection right around the corner, for the indecisive bunch, figuring out what to take can be a tricky task. I remember starting my studies and hearing the words “breadth requirements” a lot. Not really knowing what that meant,…
What will orientation look like this year?- An interview
I know many of you have questions on how orientation will look like this year, so for this week's blog, I invited Francesca, a former Life at U of T blogger, for an interview to answer any questions you may…
3 Reasons Why I Decided to Take an Independent Study
Next year is my last year of university and I’m excited to say that I will be taking not one, but two (!) Independent Studies. Independent Studies are courses which allow students to explore a topic of their own…
Managing Online Summer Classes
Hey everyone! Since I’m taking summer school for the first time and it’s completely online, I thought I would share my experience with you all in this post
Regular Schedule: All of my online classes are recorded, which…
So Long and Thanks for All the Fish!
If some of you didn’t understand my Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy reference, this is me saying "goodbye and thank you." This year has been far from easy, but having you guys to write for has really helped me through…
Signing Off- Answering Your Questions
Welcome to my last post! <3 Last Tuesday, I asked the Life at U of T followers on Instagram to send me some questions they want answered, so this blog is going to include my responses to some of your…
Expectations vs Reality during times of isolation
Coming to terms with self-isolation hasn’t been easy. I thought I knew what to expect, but that certainly hasn't been the case. It’s true that I’m a home-body; I enjoy staying at home, ordering food, and watching a good movie,…
Working from Home: Keeping Myself Busy
Since in-person classes have been cancelled and social distancing is really important at this time, I’ve been staying home every day. Of course, this is very new to me, so I thought I would share how I keep myself busy…