Woman presenting at a podium in front of a screen with a presentation slide titled "WITCHTOK"

Things to do in University, from a Graduating Student

Your undergraduate years are a time to try new things, figure out what your interests are, and to take advantage of all the amazing programs and opportunities available to you. With that in mind, here is my list of recommendations to make the most of your undergrad.

As I enter the last few months of my undergraduate experience, I've been reflecting a lot about what a unique time university is in the grand scheme of life. Your undergraduate years are a time to try new things, figure out what your interests are, and take advantage of all the amazing programs and opportunities available to you. With that in mind, here is my list of recommendations to make the most of your undergrad.

Take an Elective

It can be so tempting to stay in your comfort zone and only take courses that feel familiar, especially as you go into the later years of your degree, but there is so much to be uncovered by taking the leap and learning something totally new! Luckily, U of T pushes us to branch out by taking breadth requirements, and I really recommend trying something completely unfamiliar. In fact, it was thinking outside the box and taking a course on conspiracy theories that led me to many of my current academic interests.

Study Abroad

There are so many different ways to go learn and study abroad while at U of T, from more traditional semester/year long exchanges to international course modules, research excursions, summer abroad, funding for academic travel, and more! It is an amazing opportunity to live somewhere new, make connections, and experience a different culture, often while gaining U of T credit.

Annie pointing at a large chest of drawers
A photo from my summer abroad course — Behind the scenes at the Louvre

Try a New Sport

In general, take advantage of the Sports & Recreation offerings, which provide benefits such as access to multiple gyms, pools, and free fitness classes. U of T students can also participate in intramural sports and paid fitness instruction, which provide the opportunity to try out new team and individual sports, make friends, and gain skills. I've been taking trampoline gymnastics this year, and it's been a lot of fun!

Join a Student Production

Sports aren't your thing? There are also lots of student groups that put on concerts, dramatic productions, and dance shows. Again, these are a great chance to try something new or continue pursuing old passions!

I've been a part of the dance club at Victoria College for all four years of my degree, and have loved the chance to keep dancing and performing through university.

Group of dancers on stage
Me performing in the 2022 Vic Dance Showcase

Internships & Student Work Opportunities

As a student, you have access to a ton of career-building opportunities. Through U of T, there are lots of programs available like the Arts & Science Internship Program, the Professional Experience Year, and internship courses run by individual programs.

Additionally, there are many summer placement opportunities that are limited to students and recent graduates, and they are a great opportunity to get work experience and build your resume. A few on my radar are Young Canada Works and Summer Employment Opportunities.

This semester, I am doing an internship with the Art History department and am gaining professional skills while also getting a course credit!

Participate in a Conference or Student Publication

Many course unions and colleges put on their own conferences, research days and journals, designed to give undergraduate students a chance to share research and connect over ideas. These are especially great to get involved in if you are considering graduate school, and are also an awesome opportunity to talk about some of your favourite coursework assignments.

Last year, I presented a paper as part of the Religion Undergraduate Student Association conference, and it was a super supportive and low-stress way to improve my presentation skills and to nerd out over my interests.

Annie giving a presentation on Witchtok to an audience

All in all, try your best to take advantage of the huge variety of opportunities available to you, many of which may not be this accessible again. Try new things, continue old passions, and make as many connections as possible. Don't get lost in the coursework and forget about all the other amazing things that come along with being in university, because they are just as important!

– Annie