Hey there!
The Community Crew has been sharing some great tips recently for de-stressing during exam season. Annette wrote about staying active when we are busy; Tiffany provided some very helpful study tips in her post; Madeline (our Arts & Science Blogger) wrote about remembering to eat healthfully; and Emma recently discussed the importance of taking breaks.
Now imagine taking all these tips and tricks, and showcasing them all in one lobby. That's exactly what happened this past Thursday, as part of UofT's annual Exam Jam - 2015 edition!
Brought to us in the spring and winter exam season by the ASSU and the Faculty of Arts & Science and friends
Somewhere in the building students reviewed with their profs, and elsewhere there were open study rooms to hang out in. The lobby was alive with activities!
Therapy dogs
I’m not really an animal person. I work in child-care, so I get my weekly fix of cute things on the job. So I wasn’t super keen on dogs (or kittens, or kanagroos, or any other animals) hanging out with me. All that changed when I met Ginger. Or maybe this is Henry. There were many wonderful pets to pet.
Childhood favourites Ball pit, a photo booth, button making, adult colouring pages, and puzzles.Massages
Brought to us by Hart House and St. George Physiotherapy Clinic. You can visit them every Monday at Hart House for Massage Mondays.
Information boothsThe Sustainability Office offered green tips for getting through exams; vegan, eco-friendly recipes; and some sweet swag
MoveU Crew, FuelU Crew, and HappyU Crew had booths and give-aways. You can follow them on Facebook and Twitter (@HealthyUofT)
I completed a push-up challenge to enter the MoveU team raffle (for a chance to win a free registered fitness class or locker and towel service at the Athletic Centre/Goldring Centre!).
Here's the Leave the Pack Behind team promoting their annual wouldurather... contest.
Also in attendance was the Academic Success Centre with great information about tips for studying for exams.
I spoke with one of the people at Association of Part-Time Undergraduate Students booth and realized that being a full time student with a full course load and a fuller than average extra-curricular routine can seriously take its toll sometimes.
Once I visited all the booths I wanted to see, took a photo in the photo booth with my sis, and gathered up all my swag and recipe cards, I found a quiet study space in the Sidney Smith Building to study. I positioned myself intentionally so that my hourly study breaks could be filled with snacks and good company.
Complete with a brownie from the Hart House Crew, coffee courtesy of Second Cup, and a new study buddy, thanks to the most talented balloon artist I have ever encountered!
If you missed Exam Jam this time 'round, don't fret! There will be many more opportunities this exam season to destress with Dons, puppies, and friends!
Happy, healthful exam studying, UofT!
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