For those of you who have been following this blog for a while now, (and props if you were one of the few who helped pioneer the #StartUofT trend into what it is today!) you might remember my introduction post when I first started blogging for Life at U of T. I shared a fair bit about my experiences at U of T and how I came about to calling this place my home.
A big problem that many students encounter when they first come to U of T, myself included, is the intimidation they feel when they realize how big the university is and most everyone begins unsure about where to look on campus to find their niche. Driven by a little dose of bravery, and the crippling fear I would make no friends during my four years of sentencing study, I grit my teeth and started to discover the unique and distinctive culture of student life on campus (take a quick browse at my previous posts to learn a little more about my experiences).
While it may not be shining, shimmering, or particularly splendid, U of T truly is a whole new world waiting to be explored. Original GIF from:
And so, in order to dispel the much discussed (and unfortunately much believed) myth of the lack of student spirit and opportunity on campus, I’ve decided to start a series of blog posts dedicated to trying out new experiences at U of T at regular intervals throughout this semester. This encompasses exploring the different student groups on campus, trying out the various activities and drop-in sessions offered by organizations such as Hart House and MoveU, and even sitting in on various lectures and asking professors about their particular program – anything that is horizon-broadening and mind-opening, I’m making it my mission to explore the campus and (hopefully) in turn, encourage you to get yourself out there and perhaps find your next passion in life – or at the very least, have a great time while trying to do so.
New experiences help shape you and allow character development to foster. Just ask Walter White and the writers of Breaking Bad. Screencap taken from Breaking Bad
I’ll leave off with a relatively short post today (I just wanted to get the idea ball rolling!), but if you have questions, propositions, curiosities, about anything concerning Campus Life that you’d like me to explore in a blog post, or if you too have experiences with trying out something completely new since you’ve come to U of T, please leave a comment below and tweet us! Don’t forget to add #TryItUofT to your tweets so we can keep track of and share all our ideas and experiences with one another.
Until next time, UofT, when a new adventure comes along…
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