In less than one week the perfect storm will engulf my little row boat (this is my attempt at a very non-poetic metaphor for my journey through academia) and it will take all my effort to not capsize. Here’s the deal. In the month of March I have: five essays due, a 20-hour community placement to complete, my best friend, her husband, and their five month old daughter (my goddaughter, who I am meeting for the first time!) are arriving from overseas for a month long stay at my home, I have five exams to study for, four blog posts to write, one wedding shower to attend, one party for my son to plan and attend, and two kiddie birthday parties for other people's kids. Did I mention that I’m moving on the last day of March? So, I also have to pack my entire house in the next four weeks. I'm hoping that I suddenly start to sleep-walk and in turn's a real thing.
Do I need to say any more? If by the end of March my posts seem even the least bit lucid, then I have survived. If not then you know why I didn't make it through with my sanity.
That said, I thought I would remind everyone of the stress relieving activities and services that are offered on campus as April approaches.
1. The U of T Mature Students Association will be hosting a wellness fair on March 24th. The event will feature healthy living experts and some free healthy food and swag. Link to their page here for more details.
2. I know so many of us bloggers have told you all about Free Massage Mondays at Hart House, but it’s a FREE massage! So I’m going to remind everyone again that free massages are offered at Hart House on Mondays from 1:00pm-3:00pm in the Second floor rotunda. Follow the link for more info.
3. Here’s a helpful link to the Student Life page on stress at university. If you are not dealing well with the chaos that is March and April and you feel like your stress is “red lining”, this page might be helpful to you. Check out the Counselling & Psychological Services (CAPS) webpage, if you need to find assistance in dealing with stress or if you need to talk to a counsellor.
4. Stop. Inhale. Exhale. Repeat. In other words breathe!
5. Follow this link to the Multi-faith Centre’s website listing all the free yoga, Tai-chi, and meditation classes offered this term. Most of these are drop-in classes, so it’s a great opportunity to take a few minutes and de-stress. While you’re there visit the meditation room with its living wall on the Second floor and enjoy some tranquility for a few minutes.
meditation room at the Multi-faith Centre
I hope these links of help when you feel like your head might launch off your neck into the stratosphere. I think I’m going to need to take advantage of these de-stressing activities in the next month to weather my own perfect storm.
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