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Okay, I'm going to share a story I know many of you can relate to. Tuesday was one of those days, one of those very, very long days that never seem to end. I spent 14 hours away from my house. What kept me out so late you wonder? If you keep reading you’ll find out…
I started the day by picking up the hottest new DJ in town, who also happens to be a big-time volleyball hitter and a long-time friend; we've been tight for over a decade! We had a quick stroll to class, discussed our impending volleyball game that eve. We went on to make a nifty nursing presentation, talked about picking up some Raptors tickets and then learned about some drugs and pharmacological interventions.
We then went on to our "Inter-Professional Education" session in the downtown hospital corridor. After two more hours of lecture-sitting, my bottom was starting to atrophy. How many hours can one student spend in a lecture chair? Well after the IPE session, I discovered seven hours was enough for me! I’d been gone from home for 8 hours and I could feel my energy slipping away, perhaps it didn’t help that my boots were blistering my heels with their not-so-worn-in feel. Excuse the griping.
Hunger had set in and the DJ and I mustered up the energy to make our way to Kensington Market. El Trompo Taco Bar was the destination for the night; we'd been suffering lots of indecision until we were standing in the glow of the warm taco lights. P.s. the tacos Al Pastor were very authentic and very delicious. My mother always told me “there’s no better fuel than a taco!” Okay she’s never said that, but it doesn’t matter because we were fueled up on tacos, refreshed and ready for the big game!
Now readers, as you may recall, I signed up for intramural volleyball before the Christmas holidays. So did the DJ and while the season may have started two weeks ago, our attendance had been less than admirable. By that I mean as of Tuesday, we hadn’t played a single game. Our team almost suffered a loss by default! Not to fear, Team Nurse, didn't default. However our drooping attendance warranted an e-mail from our team captain. After I read it, the guilt was too much and I responded that I would be there!
Alas, it turns out all you need to play a sport you're not coordinated enough for is a DJ by your side and a written commitment. So off we went, post-taco to hit the courts, even though the day was already so long. Was I embarrassed when I spiked the ball into the neighboring court? Maybe. Was I repenting my lack of knee-pads when I hit myself with the ball in the face. Definitely not, knee-pads would have done nothing to change that. So, maybe I'm a bit of a yardsale when it comes to volleyball. We did end up winning 2/3 games. The night was nothing if not hilarious. Both the DJ and I agreed, although we'd been out of the home for 14hours the volleyball was a much-needed cause to move around, shake, laugh and de-atrophy our butts.
I can't complain.
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