Missed our #JoyatUofT YouTube Live? Watch the replay here! University of Toronto students Amber, Kamilah, and Alec from the Centre for Learning Strategy Support and Health & Wellness share tips for finding balance (which will look different for everyone), keeping…
#JoyatUofT: Being part of a dance club
It’s Joy Week here at U of T and I’m always looking for an excuse to write about dance, so this week I’m sharing why being part of a dance club brings me joy! Joy Week is about spreading positivity…
The Joy of Choreography
Happy Joy Week everyone! This week I’m writing about dance choreography because that is what immediately pops into my head when I think about what brings me joy! Ever since I was a kid I would spend hours dancing around…
Collaborating with UTFOLD: The Art of Origami and Trying New Things
In my last few years at U of T, I've found joy in many venues on campus, whether it is the Mango Madness smoothie at the Innis Cafe, or venturing into a library and glancing across all the titles I…
How I Got Over My Nerves and Started Going to the Gym
I never thought I would become a gym person. After years of hating high school gym class, I never wanted to willingly exercise again. Though I eventually started exercising later in my life, I’d never gone to the gym at…
“A Greater Goal Than Coexist”
UofT’s Wycliffe College recently hosted the “Relevant” series, which was in association with the Power to Change Christian faith group on campus. The event was a week-long panel discussion with various speakers investigating interesting subjects such as loneliness, mental health,…
#JoyAtUofT: Leading with Joy
“Does it spark joy?” a useful question to ask myself when I'm de-cluttering, and practicing leadership.
#JoyAtUofT: Letting the Little Things Bring You Joy
I’m learning that I really love challenges (if you can even call them that). For example, this weekend I challenged myself to eat a whole box of cookies. I succeeded. Okay, all jokes aside, this week is Joy At U…
#JoyatUofT: Mindfulness during Midterms
Having free drop-in sessions on campus allows students to take a break from their work and come back with a clearer mind. It also provides an environment for beginners to practice with guidance of instructors. It’s a pretty cool thing to have on campus!
Wakatshennón:ni (I am happy)
It’s the time of the year where the snow keeps falling and spring’s warmth seems far away, where midterms are almost here, yet the end is months away. It can turn you into a bit of a hermit and an…