Just like any relationship, it'll need time and effort. So I probably shouldn't just ask a person to mentor me after meeting them for the first time.
Looking Back, Moving Forward: A Final Reflection
*Poof!* And just like that, it’s already the end another academic year.
Getting Involved On-Campus Over the Summer
Sunshine and warmer weather are upon us as the winter term ends and the spring/summer terms begin. May to August is usually a quieter time of year on campus, but there’s still plenty of things to do if one happens…
Navigating Space with Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
It’s another way to think about how I navigate the spaces I’m in, while being considerate that there I share this space with others too, and that we’re all navigating this space together.
Entrepreneurial Leadership
"Entrepreneur", it's not just a fun word to say.
Building Connections: A Conversation with a Formal Leader
Formal leadership can be used to describe how leaders may practice authority to direct or facilitate other individuals, through an official title in their organization such as an elected member of a student organization. I interviewed my friend, Jessica, to…
Leadership Skills I Use Everyday
Leadership is not restricted to fancy titles or a specific persona, or even just one skill. I’m learning that it’s actually more like a behaviour, that I can practice everyday, even in the most mundane situations.
An Introvert’s Guide to Leadership
If I were an animal, I think I’d be a turtle.
Welcome to the 21 Sussex Resource Lounge!
Come check out the lounge to discover all the magical space and resources!
#JoyAtUofT: Leading with Joy
“Does it spark joy?” a useful question to ask myself when I'm de-cluttering, and practicing leadership.