Hi there!
Where is your phone right now? If you are like me, the answer is almost certainly face-up on the desk beside you, or in your pocket on vibrate. I keep my phone within arms length at all times.
Happy end of October! Hopefully many of you have reached the closing round of midterms and are either eagerly or miserably anticipating your grade. While studying for U of T tests is stressful, getting your mark back afterwards can bring on its own type of stress.
I was sitting in the lower lounge of E.J. Pratt library last week when I looked outside and realized that there was waterfall just outside the glass, and that somehow I had been completely oblivious of it despite having sat right beside it for four days in a row.
Hello! I’m a chatty person. In elementary school, the comments sections of my report card consistently remarked on how I would benefit from chatting less in class. As much as my chattiness is often directed at others, many of my conversations are in…
Having had a (relatively) lax last couple of days, I decided to get out and discover a new part of Toronto. At a photo walk last month, I met a couple of people who work at Fujifilm who recommended I…
Hi all, If you're like me, you probably have some go-to strategies for dealing with stress in your life. These may be coping skills or activities that help you slow down, relax, and take a break from life's many pressures and expectations. I like to call this my stress-busting…
I went to my second Olympic weightlifting class last week. What is Olympic lifting? Well, it’s pretty straightforward really. Olympic lifts are the ones you see in –you guessed it- the Olympic Games. Someone walks up, makes a lot of…
Fall is in the air, but for us university students, that just means that midterms have arrived. Personally, this past long weekend consisted of studying for a term test and a midterm, getting work done for other courses, and giving…
Hey U of T! I hope you’ve had a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoyed this lovely long weekend- which for me, included some much-needed sleep-ins because my world is about to get a lot busier. My courses are now reaching the…
Good day all, As you may know, October is Mental Wellness Month at UofT. I hope you've had a chance to experience some of the events and initiatives that have taken place so far on campus. This past week, I had the…