I cannot believe we are at the end of the semester already. Last week I had my last classes as a third year (!!!) and now I'm finishing up my last essay and prepping for exams. This past weekend has been very stressful and busy for me (and probably a lot of you too) so I decided to take some time out on Monday to visit U of T's Exam Jam in Sid Smith. I've always known of this event but somehow in the last three years I've never actually gone, but I'm glad I did this year. There were adorable dogs, and food, and stations where you could make friendship bracelets, plant seeds, draw, and take pictures at a photobooth. Definitely worth taking a break from my marathon essay writing to visit. Check out some pictures below!

Some friendship bracelets being made!
Api's bracelet, just look at that mastery, true craftswoman here.

Just one of the three dogs that were there! (I was too busy petting it to take good pictures)

Planting station

Yummy healthy snacks! (look at those apples, those are like stock-photo worthy. They also tasted great).

Tips on writing essays and studying!
Good luck on your exams U of T! Keep a lookout on twitter or facebook for other de-stressing events over the exam period!
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