Trademark Licensing

We partnered with Trademark Licensing to explore student narratives and experiences of institutional pride. Students have a blended narrative of UofT—one that acknowledges both the real struggles and the opportunities. Their own narratives about UofT suggest areas in which the university can relate to the student experience. 

Our Findings

Our work with Trademark Licensing began in Summer 2018.

How does student pride manifest in U of T student's lives? - Fall-Winter 2018-19

Based on previous project work and long-form, empathy-based interviews with students over the course of Fall 2018/Winter 2019, researches uncovered recurring themes and insights, which can be categorized into four spheres of student experience:

  1. Academics: Students often feel isolated and alone in their struggles.
  2. Social: Students value meaningful and reliable connections over shallow acquaintanceships,
    and such relationships are valuable for personal growth and resilience.
  3. Wellbeing: Students struggle to balance their schooling with healthy lifestyle practices such as
    hobbies, physical activities, and spending time with friends and family.
  4. Future: Students often feel it is impossible to consolidate personal fulfillment (e.g., majoring in a subject they love) with realistic future goals.

Access the report to learn more about these themes, along with personas, a journey map and next steps.

Logo of U of T crest

What stories do students tell about being "UofT Students"? - Summer 2018

Insights & data from this stage of the project highlights that student experience is one of significant personal and professional growth, in which students overcome challenges and transition into societal roles. We offer some discussion questions at the end of the report to generate ideas about the role of U of T’s branding in the student experience, and to offer insight into what could be further explored during the 2019 stage of this project. 
