coworkers with stacked hands

Summer Casual Recruitment and Onboarding – TCard (5.5)

TCard’s Signature Program Assessment of recruitment and training practices for summer casual staff reflects a strategic initiative to evaluate the diversity of the staff and refine recruitment, hiring, and training procedures to support the strategic initiative of fostering a welcoming entry point for students and other card holders as well as the retention of great staff year-over-year, where possible.   

The HyFlex training model, a blend of in-person and virtual training, proved successful and garnered appreciation from staff. Regular connections, such as biweekly one-to-ones and team meetings, significantly impacted morale, retention, communication and trust, aligning with the goal of fostering a positive and student-focused environment.  

The top three skills identified by staff development were in communications, teamwork and conflict resolution. A remarkable 100% of staff felt clear about their role expectations on their first shift, and the same percentage expressed high satisfaction with their TCard training and work experience.

To further enhance the assessment in the next cycle, TCard services will look to assess the recruitment and hiring activities and establish benchmarks to ensure that TCard staff reflect the diversity of the University community.