Screenshot of new staff online web site

Staff Online Refresh (4.6)

To modernize Student Life’s internal communication infrastructure, Student Life Communications, Student Life IT and Student Experience overhauled Staff Online, the intranet since the early 2000s, transforming it into a dynamic communication and news-sharing portal for Student Life staff.  

Following recommendations from the Internal Communications Working Group in February 2020, Staff Online underwent a comprehensive upgrade, with the team identifying and implementing process improvements that elevate efficiency and effectiveness. 

The enhancements included a user-friendly, modern interface, an improved document-sharing portal with advanced search capabilities through SharePoint, and features such as linking to posted news and revising expiration date defaults. Launched officially in June 2023, this site supports endeavors of fostering a connected, informed and engaged community within Student Life. 

The team anticipates that the implemented improvements will enhance the site’s navigability for staff. Coupled with other internal communications enhancements, staff will experience increased awareness of divisional projects, priorities and administrative processes. The overarching goal is to foster a sense of unity, enabling staff to come together, appreciate and celebrate divisional successes, and better equip staff with information so they can support students more holistically.