Gift of the Stars wall sculpture at Accessibility Services

Gift of the Stars (5.1)

Nyle Miigizi Johnston’s Gift of the Stars illuminates the entrance of Accessibility Services and is a collaboration between Accessibility Services and Indigenous Student Services within the Indigenization of Space Initiative at Accessibility Services.   

Unveiled in April 2023, this luminous wall sculpture narrates the Anishinaabeg story of self-discovery, emphasizing the innate brilliance within every person. In a harmonious blend of Indigeneity and disability, Johnston’s work speaks to the intersectionality of these experiences. Rooted in ancestral wisdom, the sculpture embodies the universal truth that everyone is born with a unique, perfect gift to contribute to the community.  

Nyle Miigizi Johnston, a steward of Anishinaabe traditions, weaves cultural richness into his art, with his spirit name, Wiishkoonseh Miigizi’enh, reflecting a lifelong dedication to storytelling. The collaborative effort embodied in Gift of the Stars exemplifies the power of shared narratives and cultural preservation.