Welcome to my last post! <3 Last Tuesday, I asked the Life at U of T followers on Instagram to send me some questions they want answered, so this blog is going to include my responses to some of your…
Working from Home: Keeping Myself Busy
Since in-person classes have been cancelled and social distancing is really important at this time, I’ve been staying home every day. Of course, this is very new to me, so I thought I would share how I keep myself busy…
Going Running at the Athletic Centre
In which I realize running with friend beats running alone, even if they can run much faster for much longer than you can.
Why I Love Joining Extracurriculars
I have always liked to be involved with school events, so I knew I wanted to join a club or council here at U of T. Currently, I am an executive member of the University of Toronto Global Brigades (UTGB),…
Accessibility in the Workplace: The Importance of Communication
One of the things I’m looking forward to is graduating and finally starting to work! In May, I’ll be starting my Professional Experience Year (PEY) and working for 12-16 months. One of my main concerns with employment is navigating my…
“So what are you doing after your undergrad?” How 4 U of T Students Are Figuring Out The Answer
Last week, I wrote a blog about how to deal with stress surrounding your future. Writing it reminded me that deciding what to do after your undergrad is a super stressful thing, which lots of people are struggling to figure out.…
Alternative Reading Week: Community Leadership and Compassion
Alternative Reading Week (ARW) is a bi-annual program that encourages students to connect with their communities, develop skills such as verbal communication, and participate in social justice initiatives. Last year, for the first time at St. George Campus, ARW occurred…
Three Ways Third Year is Different Than Other Years
Now that I’ve completed my first semester of my third year at U of T, I wanted to write an article explaining some important differences I’ve noticed between third year and other years. Of course, everyone’s third year experience will…
CCP Blogger: Reflection and Looking Forward
As the end of the semester is fast on our heels, I'd like to take some time to reflect on my time as a Centre for Community Partnerships (CCP) blogger this semester. I feel that I've encountered and learned a…
TIFA Small Press Market and The Arts: Community and Personal Fulfillment
As a new initiative in the Toronto International Festival of Authors (TIFA), I tabled for Augur Magazine (along with Terese Pierre and Lawrence Stewen!) at the Small Press Market in Harbourfront Center last Saturday. It was a very low-key area,…