As a new initiative in the Toronto International Festival of Authors (TIFA), I tabled for Augur Magazine (along with Terese Pierre and Lawrence Stewen!) at the Small Press Market in Harbourfront Center last Saturday. It was a very low-key area,…
Get It Together Before Reading Week Ends!
Hey there! If you’re like me, then you’re probably waaaay behind on the schoolwork you were meant to finish this reading week. I always tell myself that I’ll complete everything by the halfway mark, so then I can relax for…
Being Restful and Productive During Reading Week
Congratulations everyone! We have finally made it to Reading Week! These last two weeks have been extremely stressful, and I found myself in an endless cycle of waking up, attending lectures, and then going home and immediately start studying. Last…
Movement breaks for managing the madness of midterm season
For most of us, the days leading up to an exam are very much like those of a ship caught in a tempest: All hands on deck! Trim the mast! Check that the vessel hasn’t sprung a leak! (Alright, so…
Community Engagement and Mental Health: Striking a Balance
I've been having a bit of a rough couple of weeks and I wanted to reflect on how I can potentially balance my mental and physical health, academics, extracurriculars, and community engagement activities moving forward. The first step is understanding…
Why I find time to work-out
Although I must admit I’m not the most consistent when it comes to committing to the gym, I am also someone who genuinely enjoys going from time to time. Going to the gym is definitely not as easy at it…
3 Ways to De-Stress During Midterm Season
Halloween isn’t the only scary thing in October… what scares university students the most: midterms. In the midst of midterms, it’s so easy to feel overwhelmed. What feels like endless readings and review questions, I sometimes feel like no there’s…
Facilitation For Leaders Workshop: A Reminder of Identity, Memory, and Goal-setting
Now that the first month has passed by, I wanted to revisit my earlier goals for this work-study term. One skill I really wanted to develop was the ability to facilitate workshops and meetings. I have a quiet voice, so…
Taking classes from all different levels
As a 3rd year student, I’m able to say I’ve taken classes from all levels at university. From 1st year classes in Convocation Hall, to 4th year classes with less than 15 people. However, I didn’t take all the 3rd…
A Day in My Life as a Life Science Student
When asked about what blog posts U of T students are interested in seeing on the Life at U of T blog, some of you mentioned a “day in my life”, so I’ve decided to make a blog post dedicated…