Every student dreams of having a part-time job and understands that it is equally as important as studying at the university level.

The University of Toronto makes that dream come true with their Work Study Program. The term "work study" has been invented on the basis of its meaning, that is, maintaining the perfect balance of blending academic life and work-life together. The sole motive to do so is to inculcate a working spirit starting from a very early stage in life. There are more than 2000 Work Study options available on U of T’s very own Career & Co-Curricular Learning Network (CLNx) whose motto is “Experience Matters”. Another imperative benefit of being involved in a Work Study program is that you are entitled to 200 hours of work throughout the academic year at a wage of $15.90 per hour and you get Co-Curricular Record (CCR) credit recognition that gets added onto your official CCR document.

Let me now share my own Work Study experience. I joined U of T back in 2022 with a dream of pursuing Computer Science, and I have always been inclined towards working and earning my bit since my parents are already footing the entire international student expense on my behalf. As I logged into CLNx using my UTORid and password, I felt like I entered a world full of opportunities looking at the number of Work Study options available under Jobs & Recruitment. While scrolling through the many options available, I came across the option of a Classroom Ambassador role with Tech2U, a Learning Space Management (LSM) initiative providing technical support to professors which aims to offer a flawless in-class experience not only for students but for professors as well. I didn’t think twice and applied through the platform by submitting a copy of my resume and cover letter stating my interest to work with the Tech2U team.

About two days after applying, I heard back from the team with an invitation for an online interview. During the interview, I was inquired about myself, my interests, and a ‘what if’ question. The next day, I was fortunate to receive an enrolment letter and training began in no time. The fact that this Work Study position kept me involved with technology, especially one used across the St. George Campus, kept me focused throughout the year. Taking on more and more shifts made me understand the importance of working, earning my own income, balancing work and studying, and lastly, forming deep and meaningful connections with the many young and talented staff members working towards the same goal.
All in all, I am extremely satisfied with the Work Study Program and would encourage each and every U of T student to indulge themselves in the same to not only enhance your resume, but also strengthen your Co-Curricular Record.
Way to go Yashvit. I can already see that you have a great future ahead seeing your hard work and clarity of mind. Congrats 💐💐💐💐