I’ve always been a creative person. When I was a child, going to an arts and crafts store was like the equivalent of Disneyland to me. I also loved to read and write stories that I’m sure I endlessly annoyed…
Developing Those Intercultural Skills, Pt. 2: An Outing to the ROM
As I had mentioned in a previous blog post, I'm participating in something called the Intercultural Learning Program (ILP) this year. Apart from the introductory workshop which I talked about in that post, I was definitely looking forward to the experiential outings part of…
One Love #ColourROMProud
One Love! One Heart! Let's get together and feel all right…what up Bob Marley reference!?
What do you get when you combine the magical power of a rainbow with a 100,000 square foot crystal at the Royal Ontario Museum?
Toronto on the Cheap: The Royal Ontario Museum
I'm a city person. I love the hustle and bustle of the streets, the diversity, and the fact that being downtown means that you're always only a subway stop away from something to do. However, in my first year, I quickly found…
A New Home Awaits
Last weekend I flew to Vancouver to visit my brother. I have been out west several times, as my mom’s side of the family lives in British Columbia. This time, however, I started thinking more about the experience of coming…
3 weeks, 2 kids, one essay, 27 gifts, 1 new years eve babysitter to find…priceless
'Tis the season, if you're a parent like me, to deal with what can only be called holiday spazziness! My kids are already wound up about the upcoming school break, and the holidays. My classes are done, and my exams…
Feeling ROMantic about the library
Ah, spring. Season of love. Season of infatuation. Season of fluttering hearts and wistful glances. True to the time of year, I've been scribbling love notes everywhere. All over my binder, throughout my notes, on the inside of my palm: I ❤…
Secret Services – Part III
And, a continuation from last post, which is a continuation from the post before… U of T has a lot of students who may not know their way around to the entertainment areas in the city. While I can’t tell…