This past Monday I ran my first event at U of T, White Supremacy and the Alt-Right: Community Leaders and Our Response to Hate Groups in Canada. As the title suggests, the subject isn’t light, but it’s a conversation I thought…
To Stress or Not to Stress
Stress (Noun) /stres The Oxford Dictionary’s definition: A state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances. My definition: A constant battle with oneself. A mental state that consumes one’s psyche for prolonged periods of time until…
Interning While Abroad
I have two main vices. The first is my undying love for Starbucks, in spite of the merciful pleas from my wallet. The second is my (lowkey) obsession with LinkedIn. Last year, I saw many of my peers posting job…
Contingency Pack – Being Ready for Anything at U of T
All you Doomsday Preppers out there, this one is for you.
From the Lab to the Hill – U of T Women In House
On the way, we (casually) passed Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in the hallway...
Why I Went Part-Time (And Why I Loved It)
Do you ever feel like you’re riding in a car that’s going just a bit too fast? This is how I felt by the time I was finished my second year of studies. People told me that university is for…
One now at a time
Maybe it's because I’ve recently read The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle, or maybe it’s the fourth year wisdom, but anyhow I’m learning to commit to the moments and bask in all the gifts the present has to offer.
Biting Off More Than You Can Chew
If you’re a bit like me, then you probably have an “I CAN DO IT ALL! NOTHING AND NO ONE CAN STOP ME! HAHA!” attitude towards life sometimes. And, if you’re a bit like me, then you already know that…
25 Hours in a Day – Making Time for Everything
"While everyone is sacrificing sleep to get ahead of the game, sleep to actually get ahead of the game" - Having three classes back-to-back is not fun (especially around lunch time). Even if the buildings are next to each other..
It Gets Easier: Second Year Discoveries
After my guide to meeting people in first year last week, I thought it would only be fitting to discuss my experience as a second-year student. Firstly, a question to the audience: Should second year students (or any upper years for…